UI/UX Design Case Study — People Counting Toolkit

Clarice W.
Nirvana Rebirth
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2022
圖片來自People Counting Toolkit

Creativity and aesthetically pleasing advertising and marketing tactics are necessary to develop a brand image and sell products. However, if you are unable to choose the best time and place to set up campaigns and ad groups, the advantages will be greatly reduced. Learn how to use statistical data to inform decisions on where to open your business, when to schedule your human resources, how to summarize your sales, and other crucial operations and management choices. You may track the flow of customers in real-time using a people counting system.

Although there are several well-known brands with comparable features on the market, there is still potential for improvement in terms of the visual and operational experience. A people counting system takes the place of a step-by-step operations user experience while preserving expandable flexibility to give consumers customizable capabilities. Users are guided to the proper operations and settings by timely text prompt and the use of colors.

Let’s examine some unnoticeable details that contribute to a nicer experience!


Nilvana® People Counting Toolkit is a web-based system. In response to shifting usage scenarios and demands, tablet devices are also supported in addition to conventional computer usage. Additionally, the information material is laid out using the Grid-12 grid system, which adapts to the width of the device screen to give users a consistent experience.

1920 px and 1024 px versions of the content’s schematic diagram


The matching and choice of colors has a direct impact on the user’s perception and operating experience. In the area of user interface design, it creates a brand identity, conveys emotion, links data, separates or highlights specific content, etc.; however, in the field of user experience design, it acts as a guiding and supporting function.

Messages are delivered in color to inform the user of the current status of the video streams.


The interface can gain personality, style, and more instructions by adding graphics when they are needed.

Using the right graphics can increase personality.


Users can accurately grasp the content and locate the information they need with the help of a proper information structure. The first step in creating a useful functional map is to consider the intended audience. What data is the user expecting to receive from the system? Future potential features? The next step is to categorize and layer the information, highlight the functions of the primary operations, and then position the specifics of advanced settings in the sub-levels of related activities.

Always keep your target audience in mind.

I sincerely hope you will find my brief sharing interesting and learn more about us. The people counting toolkit is scheduled to release at the end of this month. Please stay tuned.

Nilvana® has developed Vision Studio and Vision Inference Runtime toolkits, which enable collaborative data annotation, model creation, and rapid inference without AI expertise.

Nilvana® provides a wide range of services from consulting and model creation to the development of AI-based applications. Feel free to contact us for any inquiries.

