The Secret of the Cosmos

Kapil Das
Quicksand DISPATCH
Published in
4 min readDec 1, 2016

Profile of artist Tsuyoshi Anzai and his workshop at Unbox Festival, New Delhi 2014

Installation view from Tsuyoshi’s Graduation show stop-MAKING machines in 2011 (image credit- Tsuyoshi Anzai)

Tsuyoshi Anzai is a Kinetic art and video artist from Japan. He holds a bachelor of music and a master of film and new media from Tokyo National University of the Arts.

Through his works, he investigates phenomena caused by the disconnection between purpose and means. He focuses that this relation is thought as simple and clear, but sometimes a factor make it complicated. To express this in his work, he makes machines that simply composed of everyday things and motors. Although these machines have simple mechanism, but they do complex movement.

One of his current interests is about explication. How people use items when items are robbed its context of our daily life? His approaches are making film about life after the world with daily items, holding workshops to make and explain machines.

I discovered Tsuyoshi while bouncing around YouTube looking for Rube Goldberg machines. A quick look at the videos and I was hooked. Anzai’s work hits the spot between reason, magic and gap-mouthed stare.

We invited him to give a talk and conduct a workshop at the Unbox Festival 2014. To which he agreed and within a week of discovering him, he was on a Delhi-bound flight.

Unbox 2014 took place in the beautiful IGNCA grounds in central New Delhi, a stones throw from India Gate

Tsuyoshi gave a talk explaining how “other” is essential in incorporating accidents and misunderstandings in a work and how making art is a means of engaging in a dialogue with this world that seems beyond his control.

The Stop Make-ing machine was built and installed on site at the Unbox Festival at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts giving the community a chance to experience the kinetic exploration of other and control. The installation would be supplemented by the video installation by the artist.

An intense workshop with a smaller intimate audience of makers and designers to build some of these machines with local everyday objects.

For more of Tsuyoshi’s machines visit:


UnBox celebrates interdisciplinary collaborations, with the festival being the central manifest for inspiration, dialogue and hands-on action. It brings together creative, academic, and development professionals keen on pushing the boundaries of their practice.

Held in New Delhi since 2011, the festival is curated through panel discussions, workshops, labs, performances, exhibitions, community meals and excursions into the city, over the three days for a rich balance of the intellectual and the experiential. Participants from diverse spaces come together as co-creators rather than passive spectators.

