3 wishes for a Happy 2019!

Hello Tomorrow
Hello Tomorrow Stories
3 min readJan 7, 2019

As some are editing genes (or simply putting more caffeine in their bloodstream…), here’s to a wonderful 2019 from all the HT Team!

Before we fall back into the routine, we have 3 wishes for 2019.

We wish that…

Engineered symbiosis will be the change we need

Late 2018, Arnaud de la Tour, our co-founder, took the stage with his very first TedTalk at TedxCADBrussels. He introduced us to the concept of “Engineered Symbiosis”, meaning a mutually beneficial relationship between man and its environment, enabled by technology.

Engineered Symbiosis will spearhead a more optimistic view of the future, as we firmly believe that we can’t aim for what we can’t imagine.

During this inspiring 15min-talk, we travel from the beginning of the Earth to the near future. Of course, you all got to dig deep into the concept a couple of weeks ago (if not, you can catch up here!) but if you’re still curious about it, let Arnaud explain that in video.

That you’ll meet the best Startups you can imagine!

Our report “from Tech to Deep Tech”, published in 2017 boosted the popularity of the term in Europe and in 2018, “Deeptech” finally became quite the buzzword worldwide.

Our Global Startup Challenge focuses on these still-maturing technologies with the potential to change the world we live in. Sifting through more than 4,500 applications, we selected the most promising ones, gathering our Top 500 the best early-stage deeptech startups in the world across more than 10 industries.

Along with our finalists from Africa, Southeast Asia, Japan, and Turkey, we’ll reveal the finalists on January 10th, 2019. Stay tuned!

…and that you’ll attend the best Global Summit you’ve ever seen (yet!)

2017 was a truly great year for the Global Summit. (Remember the astronauts and the glowing flowers?)

This year, we thought long and hard on how to top that. We took into account all your feedback, the amazing, the good and the less amazing, to improve the experience.

Without giving away too much, here are some clues as to what you’ll find this year at the Global Summit:

  • An improved networking experience. We are aware it’s an area that is lacking in a lot of events. Sometimes algorithms alone aren’t enough to foster a great networking experience so we’ve put a lot of effort into it! (Check this space for tips and tricks on how to make the most of it.)
  • A showcase for the ages. We searched high and low for the most exceptional startup showcases around. Get ready to have your mind blown!
  • Of course, amazing speakers on stage once again. From swarm robots to thrusters for nanosats, prepare to have your horizons broadened and your perceptions challenged! (Check out our regularly updated list here.)

Grab your tickets here!

And much more… Stay tuned and we’re looking forward to spending another year with you!



Hello Tomorrow
Hello Tomorrow Stories

Unlocking the power of deep technologies to solve some of the world's toughest challenges. www.hello-tomorrow.org