Our Bitcoin Cash exchange Voltaire launched last week, here’s an update on the future.

The Voltaire Team
Voltaire Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2018

Voltaire has launched. You can trade BTC/BCH right now.

We’ve been hard at work for all of 2018 to ship a product that we hope the cryptocurrency community will be proud to use. It seems a long time ago our Founder, Semyon, pushed out our very first blog ‘Why I’m building a Bitcoin (Cash) Exchange’ and we’ve come a long way since then, which we detailed in another blog couple of weeks ago.

This is a post to say thank you to our early users and to give the world an idea of what the future looks like for Voltaire.

Things to get excited about right now

No trading fees

As a reminder, trading is free for another 7 weeks. We’re also offering free BCH withdrawals.

BCH-paired exchange

We want to see Bitcoin Cash used globally. We’re proud to be the first BCH exchange in Europe to offer Bitcoin Cash as a base pair and feel confident that this is positive news for the community and the industry as a whole.


Many have generously provided feedback and thoughts. We’ve acted on a lot of the feedback. Thank you.

We decided as a team not to build Voltaire into a feature-rich platform from the start; we didn’t think that made sense. Instead, we’re building features that you want. We’re determined to make Voltaire the very best exchange for the Bitcoin Cash community.

The future

New Pairs

Over the coming few months, we’ll be working to implement, in order;

  • Ethereum ETH
  • Dogecoin DOGE
  • Bitcoin Cash Tokens

If you have an idea, tell us on Twitter (@hellovoltaire), or email us and tell us which pairs you’d like to us to add next.


This is super exciting. In about three weeks, we will release the Voltaire API which allows programmatic access to Voltaire. If you’re interested in market making on Voltaire, please email us directly on hello@voltaire.cash with API in the subject line and we’ll be sure to make sure you’re the first to know.

Voltaire Philanthropy

We’ll be officially announcing this initiative later this month, but to summarise: we believe that to be a valuable member of the ecosystem, one must look to give back to the benefit of others in the community. Voltaire will be reinvesting and donating up to 20% of exchange revenue in order to:

  1. Support Bitcoin Cash
  2. Supporting charitable causes

The primary goal of Voltaire Philanthropy is to advance the Bitcoin Cash and cryptocurrency ecosystem by building use cases.

You can trade with Voltaire knowing that a percentage of your trading fees will be used for the betterment of the community.

More details being announced in October.

The Vision

Voltaire as an exchange is the first realisation of the bigger vision of what we’ve set out to achieve. We want to help create what Bitcoin was always intended to be: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

This is only the start of the journey.

For now — let’s trade.

“When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion” — Voltaire



The Voltaire Team
Voltaire Blog

Voltaire is an Electronic Cash Exchange. Our mission is to see electronic cash displace the financial system. Sign up at: https://voltaire.cash/signup/start