6 Reasons to Keep Writing

Stephanie Dethlefs
Hello Writers
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

Writing can be hard. It can be lonely. It can feel unachievable. Here is a list of reasons why you should keep writing anyway.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Your story matters.

It matters because it is a snapshot of the human experience (yes, even sci-fi/fantasy/horror-monster stories!) These snapshots build a network of experiences through which readers and listeners are able to gain new awareness of the world. These new understandings lend themselves to empathy, to openness, to acceptance. And that will change the world.

Your story will affect someone.

Right now, there is one person out there who really, really needs your story to feel seen or less alone. That one person deserves your story.

A story isn’t finished until someone reads it.

Writing is communication, which by nature is a two-way process. So unless you want to keep your story like a secret, locked away in cobwebs, keep going until you feel ready to share it.

There is room for all of us.

The more stories the better. Why? Go back to the first item on this list. Even the most similar stories to yours weren’t written by you. Because this one is written by you, it is unique and special and worth writing.

Writing your story helps you grow.

No story you write will leave you unchanged. The stories we write heal, forgive, learn, explore, experiment, travel, imagine, and much, much more.

Stories bring us together.

Humans are wired to process the world through stories. It is how we bond. It is how we build. It is how we become better that what we are now.

It’s time. We need your story.



Stephanie Dethlefs
Hello Writers

Writer and book coach dedicated to helping you believe that your stories matter. Unstick Your Story at https://hellowriters.net.