The YOLO Adventures — EP1 (USA)

Hernan Arber
Published in
7 min readJun 13, 2019

#B1June @ DC and the BP Summit @ San Francisco

Here is a personal recap of the #B1June event held by in Washington DC and the BP Summit. This was YOLO’s first live encounter with the eosio community and we have all been touched and moved by the friendship and love we’ve received from the community. Good vibes, great people, and amazing new connections and experiences.

Landed in Washington DC

We landed in the capital, Washington DC, eagerly expecting all the events ahead of us and ready to make new connections and partnerships. After a short tour around DC, the Everything EOS Mixer party was starting. EOS family: Here we come!

The wonderful EOS Mixer Event by Everything EOS and Cypherglass

The mixer was a huge success! Our congratulations to Everything EOS and Cypherglass for putting this together. We had an amazing time with the community and got to hang out with awesome people like Ƀrock Pierce, Crystal Rose, Trent @ Emanate, Ashe Oro, the EOSphere crew, Marcus from TokenPocket, ppl from Everipedia, the Equilibrium Team, Ali from Lumeos, and all of the great BPs. Beers kept flowing and some tasty chicken wings were also served as munchies, good times indeed!

Brendan Blumer Attends the Mixer and shows the Community that Block.One Cares

Suddenly, Brendan Blumer appeared on the scene not only to say hi and chat with some party people but also to speak about how important the EOS community is to and he extended the #B1June invitation to anyone wearing the Everything EOS Mixer bracelet. All the love back at you Brendan, thanks for showing up ❤

The #B1June Event — Classy, fine-tuned, and a world-class event as expected from B1.

Finally! the event we’ve all been waiting for: #B1June! and a meeting with Fred Kruger @ EOS Lynx we headed off for the event. Right at the entry we were served with great entrees and EOS Goodies, and it’s funny no one has yet mentioned it, but gave away a pair of EOS-Branded, Bluetooth noise-canceling BOSE QC35 II Headphones to each and every invitee. I’m sure not everyone is an Audiophile like me, but check out these cool headphones, they are TOP-NOTCH, definitely not the $3 ear-plugs you get at your international flight. I’m still wearing them, and in fact, listening to right now, Thanks B1 :-)

Off to the announcements! Lights Off, Lasers-lights On, and the event suddenly got the feel of a live concert. Very well-planned and executed, just as we would expect from B1. I won’t go over the announcements since they have been covered extensively by a lot of people in the community and external media. My recommendations if you want to read more are Ashe Oro’s Recap of #B1June and all of the recent articles by EOS Writer. So, in summary, Daniel Larimer and Brendan Blumer rocked a short, concise, and exciting announcement consisting mainly on 3 things:

  • Coinbase custodial services + a new Learn-to-Earn eosio program
  • Yubico Partnership (We also got a free Yubico USB)
  • The new upcoming Social Platform: VOICE
Brendan joins Dan to Announce the new social platform by B1: VOICE

Although the announcement might’ve been underwhelming for a lot in the crypto-space, B1 made a very strong case for the need of a new decentralized social platform that doesn’t follow you every step and sells your data to the highest bidder. If I’d have to place my bets on ONE company that can actually accomplish building a social platform that will give Facebook a fight for their massive user-base, it would definitely be ;-)

Meeting Daniel Larimer, one of my personal highlights

YES! I got to meet Daniel Larimer! It’s so exciting to meet the mastermind behind an idea, a concept, and a technology that you have come to understand and love. our encounter was short, but I got the chance to talk to Dan about both EOS Israel and YOLO, and he actually thinks it is a pretty cool project, so that’s coming from Dan the Man! GO YOLO!

Landed in San Francisco. A great view of the Golden Gate Bridge

After another day in DC, we arrived at lovely San Francisco! The YOLO team had a much more intensive agenda for this venue: Tulip Conference, BP Summit, Meetings, Presentations, a Private dinner, and even a cocktail party.

The YOLO Stand — YOLO Swag was gone very fast! We Still have some stickers ;-)

Amazing projects and block producers were present and we were always in great company. We watched interesting presentations we were also very busy with personal meetings with Ali @ Lumeos, Marcus @ TokenPocket, Trent @ Emanate, Roshan @ EOS Authority, Roman @ CryptoLions, and our awesome friends from the Chintai Team (also EOS42), who also helped us all along with the swag and logistics.

Overall, we had a great time meeting with the EOS Community. We had some very productive meetings and are looking forward to integrating some of the best EOS Projects into YOLO.

YOLO hosted and Indian-style dinner for our EOS friends

We had the honor of hosting a special Indian-style dinner for some friends in the EOS Community. We were surprised by the high turn-out, not only most of our invitees showed up, but many brought some friends with them. We had some great Indian dishes, and a special toast presenting YOLO and thanking everyone for their warm welcome to the community.

Brock gave a very interesting point of view on how to improve Block Producer selection and daily rewards

Ƀrock Pierce gave a very in-depth talk about the advancements in EOS and the problems facing the EOS community. Without discriminating nationalities and trying to be as open as possible, Brock did not let political correctness get in the way of addressing the elephant in the room: the growing top 21 BP-spot domination by Chinese BPs and the over-competitiveness of the block producer ecosystem. Brock put forward some interesting proposals, like increasing the BP Rewards by 0.5% or 1% and make that new rewards go to Vote-base rewards to decrease the discrepancy between top 21 and standby BPs. And of course, we had to get Brock to take a picture rocking the YOLO-Swag, right?

Zicen from HelloEOS presenting the PIZZA StableCoin and the Importance of Chinese Block Producers

Now, this was a talk that really changed our perspective: Zicen from HelloEOS, and his one request: “Don’t Un-vote us just because we are too many”. Zicen made a very strong case for the contribution that Chinese BPs have made to the EOS ecosystem, and he sustained that the fact that EOS has become the #1 Blockchain in China did not happen by chance. He actually made us consider going to China to connect with the EOS Community over there. No promises here, but we are definitely giving this a thought.

How cool are EOS BPs? Here is a selfie with Luke Stokes @ EOSDAC and Timothy @ Infinity Block

From Block Producers, to dApp Developers, and every other community member, we had a great time meeting, speaking, and interacting with all the participants at the summit. There was a nice place nearby where we had the chance to meet Kedar Iyer from Everipedia and brainstorm on some very interesting collaborations.

Picture from shEOS - Blockchain Community - EOS Block Producer’s Tweet

Last but definitely not least: The super-cool cocktail party we got to co-host alongside some amazing BP’s like shEOS - Blockchain Community - EOS Block Producer, EOS Nairobi, EOS BlockSmith, EOS42, and EOS Cannon. The concept was put together by Autumn @ ShEOS and was called: “Let’s celebrate our shared vision”. After a nice toast and some words from the hosts, it turns out we share a pretty cool vision of a multi-national, multi-culture world where we can all have fun and dance together regardless of our origins or beliefs. Read more on the Diversity Manifesto.

Great view of San Francisco. It looks almost as bright as EOS future ;-)

So this is it for this chapter of the YOLO Adventures, keep up with us and stay tuned for new features, integrations, and events. We want to extend our thanks to all the EOS Community for the warm reception of our new platform and our team. There is nothing like feeling at home, and EOS has definitely made us feel at a warm and cozy home.

We are strongly considering flying over to connect with more members of the community, and we are open to any feedback you might have with your current experience in YOLO

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Hernan Arber

CEO @ Soundwork / Founder @ Arber Tech / Co-Founder @ Quantum Consulting