How to make a perfect family photo

Vitaliy Urban


First step, first word, trip, walking at zoo – so many important moments you will never forget! And they should be depicted. We all have tons of photos we never open again, but some photos we love and will enjoy again and again. Here are 10 ideas for memorable photos: find yours and try to repeat!

1. Family portrait

You’ll need a frame and a lot of good mood! Make any funny poses and faces – everything for good shots!

2. That’s my profile

Stand in one line and let a photographer take a photo of your family profiles. Since now it would be obvious, who is having a family nose, Granny’s dimples or Mommy’s long lashes!

3. Baby in mug

You remember how to take a picture of your “tiny” friend standing on your hand? All the same: take a mug and a baby, put a mug in your hand between the camera and the baby, take a pic. Well done!

4. Sleeping beauties

Moms, take this task. You have certainly noticed how dads and kids look alike each other while sleeping. So take these memories for photos! You will need a dad, a kid and a good fairytale book – in several minutes it will be over and you can begin a photoshoot of Sleeping Beauties.

5. Let’s fly!

A perfect shot with no photoshop! You just need to take it from the upside. Flight in space, climbing the mountain, an air round dance – all in your hands!

6. Go under the blanket

It’s very simple: take a blanket, take your family and cover it with this blanket. Have fun!

7. Superfamily

Let everybody know that in daytime you are a standard family with standard issues, super- market weekends and family walks in park. But at night you turn into heroes, city defend- ers, evil forces defeaters! Put on super t-shirts and shirts above them. Accept the most heroic poses and “break off” shirts on a breast.

8. Daddy can

Fathers, show your power! Put your kid on one shoulder and your wife on another. If suddenly you feel that this trick is too difficult, just
do it smartly: put a table to a monophonic wall, seat your family on it, and stand nearby, “having seated” them on our shoulders. Profit!

9. View from the top

Do you want to make your baby remember, how small he was? Catch the moment right now: take him by his hands andmake a shot from your “point of view”.

10. Coffee lovers

If some time ago you were ordering just Daddy’s americano and Mommy’s macciato, now you also take warm milk for your kid! Sign a baby’s bottle in the same way and take a perfect picture with your beverages in hands!

Use Hell’o Baby app to capture best moments of baby!

