Splat kids: how we integrate brands in our service and make customers happy

Vitaliy Urban


Hell’o Baby is the place for modern parents. We have more than 100,000 users, and brands want to communicate with them.

The simplest way is to sell ads and flood user’s timeline with them. But we never do it – this is our promise to Hell’o Baby users: don’t intrude in their private family place with stupid ads, banners etc.

At the right time, at the right place

On the other hand, there are a lot of services for specific needs in Hell’o Baby. One of them is Stickers service. Tons of beautiful handcrafted sticker packs for your baby.

We got our illustrator Pavlik, got some weed for him, and he prepared awesome sticker pack for Splat. We integrated it in Hell’o Baby and launched Giveaway with photo competition in Instagram. All participants got a sample kit from Splat and presents from Hell’o Baby. To make it more viral, we got some celebrity moms in campaign.


  • 250 participants
  • 726,786 total coverage
  • 958 publications

This is the great case when brand spent tiny budget, and not for stupid ads, but for funny viral competition. What is important, Hell’o Baby sold instrument, not audience – our user base is not big enough to make campaign from scratch, but we have perfect platform to engage parents. Technically, we bought traffic for brand’s money and engaged these people. So, we got money and thousands of new loyal users.

But forget about numbers, just see these happy babies!
I think, we’re on the right way.

