Bloom Weekly Update 10/18

Jesse Leimgruber
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2017
Liam Horne (ETH Waterloo), Jesse Leimgruber (Bloom), Joey Krug (Augur), Laura Vaughan (Thiel Fellow), Kyle Samani (Multicoin Capital) Panashe Mahachi (Scanate), Brian Sorel

Our team had an incredible time meeting the community at ETH Waterloo this past weekend. Our next stops are New York City, Vegas, and London! We also continued to add 100’s of new community members to our Slack channel, get introduced to many amazing connections to partners, and make significant development updates on the protocol.

Come Meet In Person: New York (This Week), San Francisco, Money 20/20, London

Daniel and I are in the Big Apple this week. Ryan from the team is based here full time.

If you would like to meet us in person: Please send both Daniel and I an email providing details of your background and if there is any specific context for the meetings. Our schedules are filling up super fast, so it helps if you can also provide the part of the city you live in so we can work out a spot that works for all of us.

You can reach us at: and

We’re doing full days to try to meet as many people as possible, around 10 meetings a day. But spots are tight, so if we aren’t able to connect this time, we’ll definitely be in town again!

For those of you based in San Francisco, that is a few members from our team are based. Our team will also be at the Money 20/20 conference in Las Vegas October 22–25th and I will also be in London November 8th-10th if you would like to connect there.

ETH Waterloo

Our team had an incredible time at ETH Waterloo. We worked with a number of passionate Ethereum developers and watched dozens of inspiring projects get created in just 36 hours!

Liam and the organizers of the event did a phenomenal job bringing the community together and running a seamless operation.

I met at least a dozen people from the Bloom community which is always exciting. There’s many more ways to meet us in person so stay up to date on these weekly updates to see where we’re at.

Joey Krug (Augur), Jesse Leimgruber (Bloom) & Panashe Mahachi at ETH Waterloo

Video is Live!

Thanks for the support on Reddit!

We’ve worked extremely hard on this video over the past month and we’re extremely excited to share it with everybody. Feel free to leave any comments on Reddit or on the video.

New Website

We are very excited to announce our new website! We’ve worked extremely hard to get this website to the current state. We hope that this does a good job explaining the key value of Bloom to partners and members of the community.

We are still making final tweaks so if anyone has any feedback, your input is warmly welcomed.

Community Spotlight:

Interview with Ameer Rosic

Ameer Rosic, of BlockGeeks, interviewed Jesse Leimgruber for 20 minutes. He went into a number of details around development, stage, use of the token, and next steps.

Here is a link to watch the interview.

Beware of Scams:

We received a couple of reports from community members that fraudsters were falsely claiming that the Bloom team is collecting funds. These are scams.

How can you stay secure?

  1. Do not send funds to any Ethereum address claiming to be the Bloom team: We have not announced a token sale yet. We are not collecting any funds. Any announcements will be posted on our Blog, on our Website and on our email newsletter. We will never cold message you directly on Slack instructing you to send funds to any address.
  2. Join our newsletter for the most direct information: To further reduce any chances of getting scammed, please join our newsletter. This, along with the blog/website, will be the primary sources of official announcements. Be very weary of Slack, even if it appears to be coming from us. You can join the newsletter here:
  3. Double Check: Our Blog URL is — At any point, if you are wondering if we have announced a token sale or anything similar, just check the blog.
  4. Message Us: The team is always available on Slack and if there are any concerns, please message us directly. If you notice a potential scammer, please let one of the team members know.

Ways you can help:

  • We’ve been getting some great emails to our new team email. To make sure we quickly point you to the best team member, please include specifics if possible. If you want to email me, I can be reached at
  • The community was extremely helpful with introductions to many of the data providers and trusted nodes, so please continue to make introductions if you can. We want to have as many relationships established prior to launching.
  • Please continue to ask and answer questions on Slack as your involvement and engagement has been extremely helpful. Thank you!
  • If you haven’t already, please join our Slack community.
  • And follow us on Twitter.



Jesse Leimgruber
Editor for

Stanford. Blockchain. Startups. Roller Coasters.