Paying Homage

1 min readSep 28, 2017


Creating is like piecing a puzzle together. A puzzle that is consistently being rejigged through out history. The innovation is in the ability to take inspiration from different elements of the past in order to create the present. Acknowledging the past as a reference point yet not letting it over power the modern concepts.

Especially in my field of interest (Journalism/ Digital Marketing) it’s important that I’ve read up on previous articles or that I’m knowledgeable about campaigns of the past, in order to take elements I believe work forward and subtract those I don’t fancy so much. Although more often than not it’s an intentional reference, there are plenty of cases where paying homage to the past is also a subconscious thing. Most blatant is musically; everyday patterns and styles of the past are used and re-used in one round about way or another.

It’s only natural that the art we produce is a reflection of what surrounds us and things we’ve encountered. Part of the fun is picking and choosing which element are most relevant in order contributing to the wider art form. The result is new and original piece, whether it be an article, song or art piece in the traditional sense.

In a sense its all homage, whether we know it or not

