How to use Python, PySide6 and Google Sheets to make a Database App (4): Add Account

Henry Coder
Published in
5 min readDec 16, 2023

Each Investor has a unique ID, while may have several accouts. There are 3 steps to add an account for an investor in a database based on Google Sheets:

  1. Select the Investor;
  2. Edit the information;
  3. Submit.

Call the function of Add an Account

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, google_sheets_client):


def handle_secondary_action(self, top_level_item, second_level_item):
# Handle the action based on the top-level and second-level item
if top_level_item == "Investors" and second_level_item == "Add Investor":
elif top_level_item == "Accounts" and second_level_item == "Add Account":
# Add more conditions here for other menu items
# ...

Function display_add_account_form

This function is responsible for displaying the form to add account details for a selected investor.

  • Opens a SelectInvestorDialog to choose an investor.
  • If an investor is selected (dialog accepted), it fetches detailed data of the selected investor by calling fetch_investor_data.
  • If investor data is successfully retrieved, it displays the AddAccountForm using this data.
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, google_sheets_client):


def display_add_account_form(self):
# Clear existing content

# Open the dialog to select an investor
dialog = SelectInvestorDialog(self.google_sheets_client)
result = dialog.exec()

if result == QDialog.Accepted:
selected_id = dialog.getSelectedInvestorID()
if selected_id:
investor_data = self.fetch_investor_data(selected_id)
if investor_data:

Method fetch_investor_data

Fetches detailed data for a specific investor from the Google Sheets worksheet.

  • Connects to the “01_Investors” worksheet and maps the column names to their indices.
  • Checks for the presence of required columns.
  • Finds the row corresponding to the given investor_id and fetches its data.
  • Returns a dictionary containing key information about the investor.

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, google_sheets_client):


def fetch_investor_data(self, investor_id):
# Connect to Google Sheets and select the appropriate worksheet
worksheet = self.google_sheets_client.open_spreadsheet(GOOGLESHEET_ID).worksheet("01_Investors")

# Get the header row (first row) to map column names to their indices
header_row = worksheet.row_values(1)
column_index_map = {name: index for index, name in enumerate(header_row)}

# Ensure all required columns are present
required_columns = ["ID_Investor", "Type", "Last Name", "First Name", "Company Name"]
for column in required_columns:
if column not in column_index_map:
print(f"Column '{column}' not found in the worksheet.")
return None

# Get all values in the 'ID_Investor' column
id_investor_column = worksheet.col_values(column_index_map["ID_Investor"] + 1) # +1 for 1-based index

# Find the row index for the matching investor_id
row_index = id_investor_column.index(investor_id) + 1 # +1 because spreadsheet indices start at 1
except ValueError:
# ID_Investor not found
return None

# Fetch only the row with the matching ID_Investor
row_data = worksheet.row_values(row_index)

# Use the column names to access the data
return {
"ID_Investor": row_data[column_index_map["ID_Investor"]],
"Type": row_data[column_index_map["Type"]],
"Last Name": row_data[column_index_map["Last Name"]],
"First Name": row_data[column_index_map["First Name"]],
"Company Name": row_data[column_index_map["Company Name"]]

Method showAddAccountForm

Displays the form to add or edit an account for a selected investor.

  • Creates an instance of AddAccountForm with the retrieved investor data.
  • Adds this form to the main content layout of the application.
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, google_sheets_client):


def showAddAccountForm(self, investor_data):
# Create the AddAccountForm with the fetched investor data
add_account_form = AddAccountForm(self.google_sheets_client, investor_data)

Create AddAccountForm

Class Initialization — __init__ method

  • google_sheets_client: This parameter is an instance of a Google Sheets client, which is used to interact with Google Sheets for data manipulation.
  • investor_data: A dictionary containing data about an investor, such as their name and company name.
  • worksheet_name: Specifies the name of the worksheet within the Google Sheet where account data will be added.
  • Fields and Labels Setup: The class defines fields and labels for both investor and account information. These fields will be displayed as labels and input fields in the UI.
  • Random Account ID Generation: Generates a random Account ID using the random.randint function.
  • UI Initialization: Calls the initUI method to set up the user interface.
class AddAccountForm(QWidget):
def __init__(self, google_sheets_client, investor_data):

self.google_sheets_client = google_sheets_client
self.investor_data = investor_data
self.worksheet_name = "02_Accounts"

# Define the fields and labels for the investor form
self.investor_labels = list(self.investor_data.keys())
self.investor_fields = list(self.investor_data.values())

# Define the fields and labels for the account form
self.account_labels = ["Bank Name:", "Institution Number:", "Branch Number:", "Account Number:", "Initial Investment:",
"Money Received On:", "Share Issue Date:", "Retraction Date:", "Share Class:",
"Share Issued Amount:", "Share Certificate Number:"]
self.account_fields = ["Bank Name", "Institution Number", "Branch Number", "Account Number", "Initial Investment",
"Money Received On", "Share Issue Date", "Retraction Date", "Share Class",
"Share Issued Amount", "Share Certificate Number"]

# Initialize input fields
self.input_fields = {field: QLineEdit() for field in self.account_fields}

self.account_id_labels = ["Account ID:"]
self.account_id_fields = [str(random.randint(100000, 999999))]

# Initialize UI

UI Setup — initUI method

  • Scroll Area: Sets up a scrollable area to accommodate the form contents.
  • Group Boxes: Creates group boxes for displaying investor information, assigned account ID, and account information. Each group box is created using the create_group_box method.
  • Submit Button: A button for submitting the form. It’s connected to the submit_form method.
class AddAccountForm(QWidget):
def __init__(self, google_sheets_client, investor_data):


def initUI(self):
# Main layout within a scrollable area
scroll = QScrollArea(self)
content_widget = QWidget()
layout = QVBoxLayout(content_widget)

# Add group boxes without additional stretching between them
layout.addWidget(self.create_group_box("Investor Information", self.investor_labels, self.investor_fields, is_editable=False))
layout.addWidget(self.create_group_box("Assigned Account ID", self.account_id_labels, self.account_id_fields, is_editable=False))
layout.addWidget(self.create_group_box("Account Information", self.account_labels, self.account_fields, is_editable=True))

# Main layout
main_layout = QVBoxLayout(self)

# Submit Button outside the scroll area, centered at the bottom
self.submit_button = QPushButton("Add Account")
button_layout = QHBoxLayout()


Creating Group Boxes — create_group_box method

  • title: The title of the group box.
  • labels and fields: Arrays of labels and corresponding fields. Labels are displayed as text, and fields are either displayed as text or as input fields, depending on is_editable.
  • Grid Layout: Organizes the labels and fields in a grid layout within each group box.
  • Editable Check: Determines if the fields should be editable or read-only.
class AddAccountForm(QWidget):
def __init__(self, google_sheets_client, investor_data):


def create_group_box(self, title, labels, fields, is_editable=True):
group_box = QGroupBox(title)

group_box.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) # Center the title
title_font = QFont()
title_font.setPointSize(QLabel().font().pointSize()) # Set the font size to match label size

layout = QGridLayout(group_box)
layout.setVerticalSpacing(10) # Set a fixed vertical spacing of 10 pixels between rows

for i, field_name in enumerate(fields):
row, col = divmod(i, 2)

label = QLabel(labels[i])
label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter)
layout.addWidget(label, row, col * 2)

# Determine the widget based on the editability
if is_editable:
widget = self.input_fields.get(field_name, QLineEdit()) # Fetch from input_fields or create a new QLineEdit
widget = QLineEdit(str(field_name))
widget.setStyleSheet("background-color: lightgrey;")

layout.addWidget(widget, row, col * 2 + 1)

# Adjust column stretch to make each column equally wide
layout.setColumnStretch(0, 1)
layout.setColumnStretch(1, 1)
layout.setColumnStretch(2, 1)
layout.setColumnStretch(3, 1)


# Remove additional stretch at the end to let the height be content-based
#layout.setRowStretch(row + 1, 0)

return group_box

Form Submission — submit_form method

  • Data Collection: Iterates over input fields to collect the data entered by the user.
  • Data Integration: Combines the collected account data with the investor data.
  • Google Sheets Interaction: Connects to the specified worksheet in Google Sheets and appends the collected data as a new row.
class AddAccountForm(QWidget):
def __init__(self, google_sheets_client, investor_data):


def submit_form(self):
# Collect data from input fields
account_data = {key: widget.text() for key, widget in self.input_fields.items()}

# Add investor data to account_data

# Submit data to Google Sheets
worksheet = self.google_sheets_client.open_spreadsheet(GOOGLESHEET_ID).worksheet(self.worksheet_name)

# Get column headers from the first row of the worksheet
column_headers = worksheet.row_values(1)

# Prepare row_data according to the order of column headers
row_data = [account_data.get(header, "") for header in column_headers]

QMessageBox.information(self, "Success", "Account data submitted successfully.")
except Exception as e:
QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", f"Failed to submit account data: {e}")


def clear_input_fields(self):
# Clear all input fields
for widget in self.input_fields.values():

