A bigger project

Emmanuel Feller
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2018

Some weeks ago, at the end of october, was a technical meetup around warp10 technology in the french city of Brest. Pierre Zemb, the founder of this medium blog, talked with A. Hébert about the warp10 discovery with a special usecase : the exoplanet finding.

The story was fun, a real theater show, and the results were awesome. At the end of the show, I knew that I should join this initiative.

We decided to go further and as I was able to join, let anyone join us. This project is manipulating open data, so it is logic than it is open source on github.

We also decided to create some tools to help our project growing : we have now a google group, open to anyone’s questions and to centralize our answers.

If you like to investigate, hack or just want to read new point of views about exoplanet research, you can join us or check out our beautiful website : https://helloexo.world !

Ok, that’s great materials, but for what purpose ??

We want to use the big data principles and the machine learning technologies to explore the NASA datasets with a better relevance than the older solutions.

We are convinced that this technological breakthrough, and in particular the joint use of Warp10 and Tensorflow, can be a game changer for the astronomic datasets.

As we want to simplify the data treatment, we will also review all the process stack to produce reactive and scalable tools.

I am, for example, writing a FITS file parser with Akka stream to be able to process the larges datasets and to upload them on warp10 without needing several computation weeks.

If you have an idea, or a desire, let’s join us to work, play and learn together !

