HelloGold Foundation Update #21– 17th March 2019

Quentin Bignon
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2019


  • AUM increased by almost 2 kg over February, confirming the quickened pace seen in January.
  • Direct debit integrated for new Smartsaver subscribers.
  • HelloGold’s blockchain is now running live!


A steady rise in AUM

The rate at which AUM increased over January left the HelloGold team confident its marketing and branding efforts were starting to pay off, and February has largely confirmed this. AUM jumped from 14936 grams to 17784 grams, on the back of a new campaign build in collaboration with Boost.

Have you tried your luck yet?

Integrating UNCDF’s Finlab accelerator program

HelloGold is one of 18 fintechs to have been chosen from over 100 applications to integrate the United Nations Capital Development Fund’s (UNCDF)Finlab accelerator program 2019. The accelerator program is organised with the support of the Bank Negara Malaysia, MDEC and the Metlife Foundation, and is the first of its kind organised by the UNCDF worldwide.

HelloGold will participate in two bootcamps, each 1 week long, and get the opportunity to build on the UNCDF’s expertise to design a product that specifically meets the financial needs of underserved in Malaysia.\


Direct Debit

HelloGold tech teams have been working hard to integrate direct debit to the platform. New Smartsaver subscriber will now have the choice to commit to a monthly amount they wish to save in gold and have this amount directly debited from their account every month. This way they will no longer have to manually commit funds to Smartsaver every month. The team is working to extend direct debit to existing Smartsaver subscribers asap.

Product Blockchain

It’s live! HelloGold’s blockchain team has managed to push to production its very own blockchain. Build from the Ethereum source code, the HelloGold blockchain will for now served as a secondary ledger system. Extensive testing now needs to happen before the blockchain can become the primary system in which the HelloGold platform operates.


Global App

Most features to be included in the app are now ready for testing: top-up, buy, sell, withdraw and redeem have all been integrated without any issue. Blockchain interactions are being tested via the Goerli testnet, while the penetration testing is being scoped.

GOLDX distribution

We distributed rewards on 13th March 2019! The total allocation was 2.400 GOLDX.

Please remember to keep HGT in your own wallet and not on any exchanges to receive the GOLDX.

We will continue to provide updates on a monthly basis. Please do get in touch with us in between updates if you have any thoughts, suggestions or recommendations.

The HelloGold Foundation Team

