HelloGold Foundation Update #26– 26th September 2019

Quentin Bignon
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2019


  • AUM jumped from 25,949grs to 31,718grs over July and August on the back of rising gold price.
  • New CTO and new Workflow management platform
  • GOLDX Mobile App beta available and new blockchain focus


Golden summer

The summer months have been good for HelloGold. Total AUM increased by 22% over July an August, amid rising gold price. The new marketing and communication strategy that has been engineered over the past few months is starting to show significant results. Insightful and educative posts shared across all social media platforms are gathering more interest from a wider audience inside our markets. The end result is increased traffic towards our website, a higher number of app downloads, and a better conversion rate down the funnel.

If you haven’t done so yet, make sure you follow @myhellogold on all social media platforms!

HelloGold under the spotlight

If you keep an eye out for HelloGold on your news feed, you would probably have noticed that the company has been receiving a lot of coverage over the summer. In case you missed it, here’s a quick overview:

  1. Robin invited as a panellist to discuss “Financial Technology in Indonesia: Driving Change and Innovation”, as part of IFN Forum Indonesia 2019;
  2. “Fastest Growing Islamic Wealth Management Fintech Company” award received from International Finance UK;
  3. HelloGold listed by Fintech Singapore as one of 19 top Wealthtech in Asia;
  4. Interview by Asia Blockchain Review;
  5. Interview with Suraya from Ringgit Oh Ringgit.



Wykeen Seet, who has been with HelloGold as CTO since September 2016, has moved on to become Senior Vice President in the Office of Entreprise Service Integration, at Bangkok Bank Public. HelloGold wishes to publicly thank him for all the wonderful work he has done — leading the company’s tech team and products to excellence. Wykeen, you’ll be missed!

HelloGold is proud to welcome Andras Kristof as our new CTO. Andras is not entirely new to the team, as he was actually with HelloGold during the very first months of the company. He is a veteran technologist and blockchain entrepreneur, and is the perfect person to take over from Wykeen and ensure that the level of excellence remains a distinct feature of both the team and products constitutive of HelloGold.

Jira integration

As the team increases, and HelloGold’s products offer expand, the need for better productivity tools and organisation models increases. Through 2019 the team has pivoted towards a more product-design centric organisation, and the switch to Jira as a unified work management tool is the software on the cake. Sprint coordination will benefit from enhanced trackability and reporting thanks to the new platform.

Blockchain accountability layer

Blockchain developers have been working over the summer to provide an extra layer of accountability to HelloGold’s database. Though the level of transactions sustained by the HelloGold infrastructure is too consequent to be meaningfully ported on-chain, the team is nonetheless building processes to leverage the transparency and immutability offered by blockchain.

In a nutshell, the database logs are being hashed on an hourly basis, and those hashes are being stored on-chain. the 24 hashes produced each day can then be brought together into a Merkle tree, which root is the hash resulting from the 24 “leaves”. This process will provide regulators and partners with an effective way to ensure the integrity of the database.

GOLDX mobile app now available for beta users.

The beta of GOLDX Mobile App is now available for download on Android devices in all of the following countries:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom, Zambia.

We invite all eligible GOLDX holders to download the app, as they will soon be able to convert their GOLDX into gold (and so USDC) on the app, solving the liquidity issue currently prevailing around our gold-backed token.

GOLDX distribution

HGF distributed rewards to HGT holders on 13th August 2019. The total rewards allocation was 4.092 GOLDX. HGF also distributed rewards on 13th of September to HGT holders, for a total of 5.224 GOLDX.

Please remember to keep HGT in your own wallet and not on any exchanges to receive the GOLDX.

We will continue to provide updates on a monthly basis. Please do get in touch with us in between updates if you have any thoughts, suggestions or recommendations.

The HelloGold Foundation Team

