Not all gold bars are created equal…

Dave Appleton
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2017

Many people like buying 1 g gold bars, it is easy to see why. PAMP are one of the London Bullion Market Association’s accredited suppliers.

A 1 g bar is a lovely work in miniature. A beautifully moulded and polished bar, accurately weighed and stamped with its own serial number. This bar is then packed in an impressive packaging:

A clear plastic insert in a cardboard holder.
Product details individually printed.

compare that to the 1 kg bar

A 1 kg CAST gold bar

The 1 Kg bar is CAST not moulded. It is not burnished to make it look pretty nor does if come with a fancy cardboard packet — just a certificate.

For display, 1g, 10g and 100g bars look really nice but they are not very good for savings because a fair proportion of the cost is tied up not in the value of the gold but in the cost of production and handling.

Whether you produce a 1g bar or a 1 Kg bar, you still need to weigh it and certify it. But adding these costs (plus the expense of moulding, packaging and handling) drives the costs up for the smaller bars. This leads to a huge price difference — at the time of writing a 1Kg bar costs S$56,830.70 while a 1g bar costs S$81.14. So one thousand 1g gold bars would cost a whopping S$24,309 more than the single 1 kg bar.



Dave Appleton

HelloGold's blockchain lead and Senior Advisor at Akomba Labs; a technology anachronism who codes, teaches, mentors and consumes far too much caffeine.