The “Founders” a.k.a. scammers

Scams getting worse

a fake ICO, a fake news site…and a stolen whitepaper

Dave Appleton
Published in
4 min readAug 6, 2017


A couple of hours ago I was alerted that a website had an offering remarkably similar to Run Evensen’s

It seems that BitsDigit had a pretty good team of advisors but when contacted they said that they had never heard of BitsDigit. Within minutes the advisors’ section of the site was deleted.

The “Founders”

They were bold enough as to say that people had commented that they were like but they simply had the same idea.
It seems that they had stolen almost all of the material of the ICO is a complete fake. In the BitsDigit whitepaper there nice touches like

See? They didn’t even change Rune’s name…

And they list one of the co-founders as

Which is odd because they had an article written about them on a site called

But it was suspicous that Crypto light was the ONLY contributor, even of articles that were obviously stolen from Cointelegraph etc. and also happened to be the moderator of BitsDigit telegram channel.

Oh yeah — the domain was registered to

An odd coincidence — two people with the same name

So I decided to have some fun. Telegram is my medium of choice so I joined their chat. Somebody asked why he could not see his tokens. The admin didn’t know why and said they would be available after the sale ended (the contract allocated them immediately)

I knew why they could not see them (see my post on this) so I had fun trolling them for a while.

Nope. Not at all sarcastic.

And asked them about coss

I checked out the advisors — very impressive. So I contacted a couple of them on LinkedIn and got the following response

Shortly after — the advisors page was taken down. I asked the telegram moderator about it :

OK — getting bored. Time to bring it to a head

Then I checked back — they had been alerted and removed Rune from their whitepaper. Shame that they stored it on GitHub so you could see previous revisions…

CoinPip mentioned TOO !!!

a bit more trolling…

I really had to leave it there.

I updated

I notified etheraddresslookup

I notified myEtherWallet

I notified every credible site that had published about their ICO on twitter

Oh yeah — their old whitepapers are still in the GitHub Repo one of the earlier ones is :

I should note that Alice (0x31EFd75bc0b5fbafc6015Bd50590f4fDab6a3F22) is mentioned in the early versions of the bitsdigit white paper. She is NOT happy about it.



Dave Appleton

HelloGold's blockchain lead and Senior Advisor at Akomba Labs; a technology anachronism who codes, teaches, mentors and consumes far too much caffeine.