#1. ICON Development Roadmap Update — Jan 2019

ICON Foundation
Hello ICON World
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2019

Greetings from the ICON Team,

The ICON Team would like to share what we have achieved in January, focusing on the key components of the roadmap that was released last December. Besides updating the ICON Core functionality, we have continued to improve the security in the inter-node communication protocols, as detailed in summary below.

The Interchain Development Team has completed an in-house demonstration to exchange data and tokens between the ICON public blockchain and enterprise loopchains deployed to various organizations and businesses. This protocol will be registered as an IIP and released for developers who are interested in ICON’s interchain capabilities.

Our first goal for the interchain protocol is to allow for cross-chain communication between the ICON public blockchain and enterprise loopchain implementations. Our next plan will be to expand the interchain protocol to other public blockchains.

The Public Blockchain Development Team is currently focusing on IISS Staking and Voting features to allow ICONists to acquire I-Score before the official P-Rep voting phase starts. After the development of the fee sharing feature is completed, the DApp fee settings will provide an environment where users do not have to pay additional fees when using DApps.

DEX core development is almost complete, and we are now working on the stabilization and UI configuration. ICON’s first DEX will increase liquidity for IRC tokens based on ICON’s MainNet. Our next goal is to support token-to-token transactions that can operate on other blockchains by connecting the DEX to the interchain protocol (Blockchain Transfer Protocol, BTP) in the future.

The ICON Team has been running a bounty program with HackerOne to enhance the security of the ICON Network. ICON, along with 440 white hat hackers, continue to strive to discover potential security threats and quickly apply security patches. To date, seven issues have been reported and some are being supplemented. Specifically, the ICON Team received a report regarding the pickle library from HackerOne last December, and we are currently optimizing the system per the roadmap. The pickle library will be removed and stabilized by September, before the nodes are distributed to the public, aligning with the election roadmap. Additionally, ICON’s smart contract currently filters out malicious codes through a thorough audit. With various proposals for project growth and stabilization, the ICON Project is becoming more secure.

Every member of the ICON Project is focusing on creating an excellent product without being affected by market conditions. We have focused on developing the core blockchain technology over the past year, and now we are focusing on user-specific services this year. We look forward to releasing our new services according to the roadmap, so please stay tuned!

-ICON Development Team

ICON Development Roadmap update — Jan 2019



1. New additions

<Blockchain Technology>
- loopchain > eliminating RadioStation
: Enhancing node management by eliminating RadioStation, which manages Peerlist (Stabilization)

<Services based on ICON>
- STO > Security Token Standard
: Developing Security Token Standard (Stabilization)

2. Status change

- Transaction fee > Virtual Step
: Support fee payment in Virtual Step by staking ICX (In research -> In development)

<Services based on ICON>
- Vault > alpha version of smart contract for key management
: Support management and restorage of keys through Vault (In development -> Stabilization)

- DEX > DEX smart contract for IRC token transactions
: Support IRC token transactions for IRC holders through DEX smart contracts (In development -> Stabilization)

- DEX > DEX service for IRC token transactions
: Support IRC token transactions for IRC holders through DEX service (In research -> In development)


<Blockchain Technology>

1. Improved ICON Core
- Reflected Citizen hotfix 1.24.2
- Improving block synchronization regardless of firewalls by supporting Websocket
- Achieving decentralization and improving security by eliminating RadioStation

2. Interchain — BTP
- Progressing the PoC to send messages and tokens to different private loopchains
- Writing IIP for developers who are interested in interchain features and constructing TestNet

3. Interlinking ICONex with third-party mobile app
- Registered IIP14 ICONex Connect for Mobile
- Defined protocol for sending ICX, IRC2 token and transaction from the third-party app

4. Released T-Bears version
- Added a command that can execute a unit test
- Added a library for the comprehensive test of SCORE


1. Election
- Testing a P-Rep rotation
- Deleting RadioStation to manage decentralized P-Rep lists

- Developing the feature for ICX holders to get I-Score when they vote after staking
- Designed to minimize the load on the ICON blockchain, as a lot of computation is required for calculating I-Score

3. Fee
- Completed structural design of the fee sharing and Virtual Step, currently in development
-Features to set fee ratio between users and DApp providers, and to deposit/claim ICX

<Services based on ICON>

1. DID/Vault
- Defining a solution for designing DID algorithm, claim, saving and managing files
- Designing data organization upon certifying and restoring basic scenarios

2. DEX
- Referring to bancor design, finishing IRC2-based DEX SCORE development

3. STO
- Registered IIP16 (ICON Security Token Standard)
- Defining the protocol for developing tokens that converts assets into securities on the ICON blockchain

4. Stable Coin
- Designing the structure to issue IRC-based stable coin based on KRW
- Organizing service partner for management and application of stable coin

* Run a bug bounty program with ​HackerOne​ for security enhancement.
- 440 white hat hackers invited
- A total of 7 issues have been reported, currently strengthening potential vulnerabilities (Whoever wants to build a secure blockchain network together can join a private hacker program by contacting us via ICON’s official developer portal.)

Thank you,

Hyperconnect the World

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