#6. ICON Development Roadmap Update — June 2019

ICON Foundation
Hello ICON World
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2019

Greetings ICONists,

As the second quarter comes to a close, the ICON team would like to share the developments we have made in the month of June.

P-Rep TestNet Operation
Two ICON P-Rep TestNets named Yoonjeong & Jinseong are currently being operated by approximately 35 P-Rep candidates. P-Rep candidates will have time to familiarize themselves with operating nodes on the TestNets until July, and then the elected teams will go on to operate nodes on the ICON MainNet and develop the ICON ecosystem.

Fee 2.0
The Fee 2.0 feature launch has been rescheduled to July after the additional QA phase scheduled until the end of June. We apologize for the delay and ask for your understanding. In order to create a fee policy truly optimized for DApp users, service operators, and ICON P-Reps, it has been judged that a rescheduling of the launch would be in the best interests of everybody. ICON is committed to creating an environment in which users can use blockchain services without any fee burdens or inconveniences.

IISS — ICON Incentive Scoring System
ICX holders will soon receive incentives through ICX Staking and Voting when IISS is in full operation starting from the third quarter of this year. Pre-Voting will begin in August, and you will be able to experience the IISS and Voting in advance to the actual election.

ICON DID (Decentralized Identifier), a decentralized identity authentication system based on the ICON public blockchain, has been developed as a live service. ICONLOOP’s ‘DPASS’ is a mobile application for a ‘Decentralized Passport’. This is a global authentication service that realizes the concept of ‘integrated identity’ and ‘Self-Sovereign’ using the ICON DID standards. It is expected that the convenience of using blockchain services will be greatly improved when DPASS is integrated with a variety of on/offline services. ‘DPASS’ is currently being reviewed in the App Store (iOS) and will be released after official registration. (Android version to be released later.)

ICON TX Challenge
The ‘ICON TX Challenge’, a large scale blockchain development contest, is in full progress. A total of 6 teams will be selected according to the evaluation standards including the completeness, business value, technicality, blockchain utility, etc. of the DApps and/or websites. These teams will be awarded a final prize of 50,000 ICX per team. Additional benefits such as being given an advantage when applying for a position (full-time and/or internship) in the ICON Korea office or support in attracting investments will also be given. If you have not yet participated, join now!
>>> Check out the ICON TX Challenge Participation Guide

In June, the ICON Development Team focused on the IISS and Fee 2.0, which will enhance the ICON ecosystem, and is now in the final stages of the process. ICON is also making institutional and technological preparations to realize the mass adoption of blockchain as planned. We are preparing to release further innovative projects in the second half of this year. Please look forward to them!

-ICON Development Team

ICON Development Roadmap Update — Jun 2019 (>> Detailed ICON Development Roadmap)

<Services based on ICON>
Stable Coin
- Alpha version of Smart Contract for Stable Coin issuance (In development → Stabilization)
: Stable Coin issuance through Smart Contract
- Launch a service based on Stable Coin (In development → Stabilization)
: Launch a service based on Stable Coin with a business partner

Thank you,

Hyperconnect the World


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