[Announcement] Additional KYC Information and FAQ (2nd)

ICON Foundation
Hello ICON World
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2017

Greetings from the ICON team!

This post is to give you additional information regarding the KYC process and give you answers to frequently asked questions.

[New Announcements]

1. ID Editing Policy

Allow usage of Photoshop or other computer programs to hide the unique identification number

  • Before: Modification with Photoshop or other computer programs NOT ALLOWED
  • After: Modification with Photoshop, Paint, and other computer programs ALLOWED

※ In principle, we have requested to cover the unique identification number using paper, “Post-it”, or finger in order to prevent the risk of counterfeit/alteration. However, to reflect the suggestion from the contributors, we have decided that simply erasing the unique identification number with Photoshop or other computer programs will not have a great influence on the validity of the original ID. We will always do our best to accommodate the opinions of ICON contributors within our principles.

2. KYC Submission

We will contact you individually via email every Friday for information on whether KYC is accepted. We will also send an email every Friday for those who need to re-submit their materials or need a supplement.

The ICON team is taking a sufficient time of three weeks to fully support the participants’ KYC procedures and is reviewing all email inquiries. We would appreciate your understanding that it is difficult to respond promptly due to the large volume of submission.

If you have questions about KYC, please send it to (kyc@icon.foundation) and we will answer to them as soon as possible.

We will keep you updated on key inquiries received during the KYC period through additional posts. We will try to do our best to communicate and help you through the KYC process.

[Frequently Asked Questions]

[Sign In]

Q. I can’t sign in to my account.

A. During the KYC period, we are limiting sign in access only to participants of the Token Sale. Please sign in with your email account used for the Token Sale.

※ “Sign up” for new members temporarily deactivated now.

Q. I forgot the email address I used for the Token-sale.

A. Please contact us at (kyc@icon.foundation) on this matter.

Q. I forgot my password.

A. Please click “Forgot your password?” on the sign in page, or go directly to https://icon.foundation/forget_password. Input your email address and you will receive a password change notification email at the address.

Q. I have requested password request but I didn’t get any email.

A. Please check the spam mailbox.

Q. I have successfully signed in, but I get a page with “403 error” or no content when I go through the KYC process.

A. Please contact us at (kyc@icon.foundation) on this matter.

[ID policy]

Q. Why do I have to hide the unique identification number?

A. Unique identification numbers such as passport number is not required for the KYC process. To protect the contributors sensitive personal information we are not collecting any information that is not essential for the KYC process. We are aware of the inconvenience rising from the process of hiding unique identification numbers, but ask for your kind understanding as it is a way to protect your valuable information.

Q. What is a unique identification number?

A. A unique identification number is a serial number on IDs that is unique to each person.

※ Address, Issue/Expire Date, ID Type, and Signatures are NOT unique identification numbers, therefore you don’t need to hide them.

Q. What happens if I submitted a KYC application without hiding the unique identification number?

A. You have to submit the form again with the unique identification number hidden. The resubmission guide will be sent out every Friday via email.

Q. Can I submit my driving license as a form of ID?

A. We have changed our policy to allow driving license as well. Please refer to the previous post for the background. (https://medium.com/helloiconworld/announcement-additional-kyc-information-and-faq-7207b5008ec2)

Q. Do I have to upload the back of my ID card?

A. You do NOT have to submit the back of your ID card.
※ If an extension to the expiration date is indicated on another page of your ID, please upload the relevant page together.

[KYC submission]

Q. I would like to know if I have submitted KYC information properly.

A. Since we are receiving a large amount of KYC submission now, we have difficulty responding to individual cases immediately. We will contact you individually via email every Friday for information on whether KYC is accepted. Please kindly wait for the submission confirmation email to be received.

Please send KYC related questions to (kyc@icon.foundation)

Hyperconnect the World


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