Guide on ICONex and ICON Tracker update according to ICON MainNet-Version3.0 update

ICON Foundation
Hello ICON World
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2018

Greetings from the ICON Team,

New features will been added to ICONex through the ICON MainNet update. Also, the updated ICON Tracker now provides information of ICON’s smart contract, SCORE and token contracts.


1. IRC Token Added

IRC tokens based on the ICON Network can be added. IRC, which is a standard token specification for the ICON Network, stands for ‘ICON Request for Comment’. You can now manage and send ICX, ETH, ERC20 tokens and various IRC tokens via ICONex.

2. ICON Fee System Update

ICON’s fee system has been updated. ICON’s transaction fee measurement unit is Step, which is set to meet ICON’s smart contract implementation environment. The price of Step is indicated as ‘loop’ and 1 loop is fixed to 0.0000000000000001( 10^–18) ICX.

‘Step Limit’ means the maximum amount of Step that you are willing to pay to execute the transaction.

Even if the Step limit is set high, it will only consume the amount of Step needed to create the transaction. However, if you set Step limit too low, the fee will be spent and the transaction will not be executed, so please be careful.

Users can now set the Step limit and check the Step price directly on the ICX Transfer screen.

3. Data Input Update

The data entry area on the transfer screen has been updated. When sending ICX, users can easily enter data after selecting between UTF-8 or Hexadecimal data types. After the transfer, the transfer can be checked in the ICON Tracker. A Step fee will be charged depending on the amount of data you enter.

4. Ledger Connection Update

Ledger NaNo S integration with ICONex has been updated. After updating the firmware version of your Ledger NaNo S, ICX and IRC tokens can be stored in the Ledger wallet.

5. Contract Menu

The contract menu has been added in the main screen of ICONex. You can view and execute contracts distributed on the ICON Network.

5.1. Inquiring / Executing Contracts

Users can easily add contract through registered contract lists when viewing and executing contracts. The list of contracts will be updated regularly, and unregistered contract addresses need to be entered manually.

Selecting a function for smart contracts allows users to inquire the parameter value for that function or enter the parameter value to execute the function directly.

ICON Tracker

1. Contract Inquiry

Under the ‘Address’ menu, the ‘Contracts’ menu provides an ICON Contract list and summary information of each contract. Contract address, balance, Tx ID, confirmation status, and confirmation date will be shown.

By clicking each contract address, users can view detailed information about the contract.

Details can be viewed by clicking the ‘Detail’ button in ‘Status’.

NOTE Contracts are not distributed on the network as soon as it is created, but will be distributed after audit and approval by the ICON Foundation is completed.

When a contract is updated, it will also be distributed after verification by the ICON Foundation. If a new update is requested during the verification procedure, verification will be performed based on the latest code requested, and the previous request will automatically be canceled.

The code file of distributed/updated contracts can be viewed by clicking the download button on the ‘Transaction Detail’.

2. Token Inquiry added

ICON has added smart contract functions for token generation and supports IRC 1, 2, and 3 token standard protocols. A complete list of tokens can be viewed in the ‘Tokens’ menu. A sub-menu of the ‘Token’ menu and details will be shown when the token name is clicked.

All token transfer history can be found in the ‘Token Transfers’ menu.

3. Transaction Inquiry added

The Transactions menu is a page where the entire transaction list can be viewed. Transaction history can be checked in one page per the image shown below.

4. Block Inquiry added

The ‘Blocks’ menu displays information about the blocks created on the ICON Network. Clicking ‘Block Height’ shows details of the block and the transactions contained in the block.

Thank you,

Hyperconnect the World

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