ICON Development Roadmap Update — April 2021

ICON Foundation
Hello ICON World
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2021

ICON 2.0 Alpha Testnet Released and BTP Working Group

Greetings ICONists,

The team continues to progress on the ICON 2.0 migration and expanding the BTP working group. Highlighting this month’s activity was the launch of the Alpha Testnet which includes features of our new ICON 2.0 network. Additionally, we provided more details around how BTP will be integrated into other networks. Stay tuned for more announcements on that front very soon!

1. Sejong, the ICON 2.0 Alpha Testnet

We launched the testnet which is run by the alpha version of the ICON 2.0 implementation. To fully test this implementation publicly, everyone can see and experience ICON 2.0 through ICONex and ICON Tracker for Sejong.

Network information below:

This testnet will continue to be upgraded as new updates are released and could be reset or rolled back at any time without notice. Currently, the foundation is operating the 22 P-Rep nodes for testing purposes, and after some time, we will set up an environment for the community to operate P-Rep nodes.

To receive test ICX, please send an email to `hello@icon.foundation` with the name of network, amount, and your address.

2. BTP Working Group

We’ve also announced that we are integrating our BTP solution with the Polkadot ecosystem to bring more value from the external ecosystem into the ICON. Acala, Moonbeam, Edgeware, and Plasm, four of the top parachain candidates in the Polkadot Ecosystem, will be the first to be integrated into ICON’s BTP interoperability solution.

The next milestone for the Polkadot integration is to have testnet implementations for BTP smart contracts completed by the end of Q2 2021 and main net support upon launch of ICON 2.0. ICONDAO team is spearheading these efforts for the working group and has already spent considerable time and resources familiarizing themselves with the Polkadot technology stack.

As an immediate first use-case, we envision a vibrant cross-chain DeFi ecosystem between ICON’s DeFi products and all 4 of these Polkadot parachains. Specifically, ICON DeFi DApps such as Omm.finance, Balanced.Network, Equality.Exchange and Optimus.finance will all be able to easily add tokens from these parachains to their products and vice versa.

Cross-chain token trading, borrowing and lending are all exciting and useful, but the ICON Team is even more excited for the future use-cases yet to be imagined.

Development progress regarding this can be seen here (https://github.com/icon-project/btp) so that everyone in the community can easily track the progress.

Thank you,



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