ICON Development Roadmap Update — November 2021

ICON Foundation
Hello ICON World
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2021

With the successful launch of ICON 2.0 in early November, our team resumed work on BTP integrations, Java SCORE support, IISS upgrades, and more. Read more about our progress in November below.


This past month, we made significant progress on Blockchain Transmission Protocol (BTP) integrations with Moonriver, Binance Smart Chain, and NEAR.

  • Moonriver — Through our extensive testing with Moonriver BTP integration, we were able to identify and fix a variety of bugs including transaction disorder caused by slow network conditions, unstable socket connections, and mismatched block times. A stable version of the Moonriver integration is currently running on testnet, and we plan on pushing it to a production environment testing next week.
  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC) — We are putting the finishing touches on the Nexus portal for Binance Smart Chain, and a hard fork has been initiated by the BSC team. Once the hard fork has been completed, the BTP integration with BSC will go live.
  • NEAR — The NEAR integration team has completed all the required backend work for BTP integration, and has provided us with a very detailed integration document. We are now in the process of adding support for NEAR in the Nexus portal.

ICON 2.0

On November 4, 2021, the ICON 2.0 mainnet upgrade was successfully completed. ICON 2.0 is a major technical milestone, and includes new features such as a high-performance blockchain engine written in Go, Java smart contract support, upgrades to IISS (ICON’s incentive system), and a more stable development environment. ICON 2.0 also paves the way for deployment of BTP integrations in the near future.

Now that ICON 2.0 is in stable operation, we’ve shifted our focus to launching Java smart contract support, IISS 3.1, and an updated ICX fee policy for December. We are currently conducting internal testing for the new fee policy, which will impact smart contract execution costs. After the fee policy has been finalized, Java smart contract support will be able to be activated on mainnet.

The specification for IISS 3.1 is also being revisited as P-Reps have raised concerns over the 5% bond requirement and slashing mechanism. Since ICON 2.0 is still in its early days, the slashing penalty will be set to 0% upon activation of IISS 3.1. As the network demonstrates stable operation over time, P-Reps will coordinate to increase the slashing penalty. Feel free to join the bond requirement and slashing mechanism discussion on the ICON community forum!

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