ICONSENSUS — Over 40 Candidates Listed; Pre-Registration Soon to End

Hello ICON World
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2019

Greetings ICONists,

The Public Representatives (P-Rep) on-chain elections are fast approaching, and with that, another important deadline is about to close: the pre-registration phase. With 43 enrolled nominees and counting, the event will mark the first step towards creating the decentralized ICON Network.

Representing ICON

Successful P-Rep candidates will become the representative of all ICONists, creating blocks and validating transactions in the ICON Network. Additionally, they will play a number of roles in the network including monetary policies, key decision makings, and establishing ecosystems.

In return, on top of collecting rewards for their service, successful P-Reps will gain community reputation, and hence become exposed to new business opportunities.

Initially, a total of 100 P-Reps will be elected, the top-22 of whom will be appointed as main P-Reps. All P-Reps will receive the representative reward upon the amount of staked, Additionally Main P-Reps will receive benefits from block production and verification, and they are the ones whom are crucial to the governance of the network.

Join us!

The pre-registration is still open via icon.community until September 2019, and ICON Foundation is actively encouraging all wishing and able to participate. It’s crucial to earn publicity within icon.community if wish to get elected. The entry requirements are minimal: applicants are expected to meet sufficient technical capability and understanding of the ecosystem.

Those who fulfill the criteria are asked to provide basic information about themselves and their team members, as well as to outline their delegate proposal. Pre-registered P-Rep candidates are provided with additional promotion tools, including a dedicated Telegram channel where they can discuss their proposal with the ICON community, which boasts nearly 200K active members. The sooner the candidates join, the more time they will have to hold a successful election campaign and become a P-Rep.

Vote, Spread, Disrupt.




Hello ICON World

2019 September — The new era of the ICON Network begins with the Public Representative Election. Visit https://icon.community