The Harbinger Of Decentralized Democracy: ICONSENSUS

Corey Crypto- Syscoin
Hello ICON World
Published in
5 min readAug 7, 2019
Hyper-connecting The World Through Decentralized Democratic Equity

Democracy: A Democratic Republican Formation Built By Icon

The notion of democratic equity is a focal component of the ICONSENSUS P-Rep Election! Participatory democracy in its purest form is one of the primary doctrines of the Icon ecosystem through decentralization. “The democratic aspiration is no mere phase of human history: it is human history”-Franklin Roosevelt. As new technological achievements and innovations are conceived it is crucial to embody the notions of equality, equity and democratic inclusivity to benefit the entirety of democracy: The Icon Ecosystem embodies these notions and beliefs. The ICONSENSUS Election perpetuates the conception of mass adoption through democratic equity in the form of inclusivity; the election of Public Representatives will in return, decentralize the Icon network in its entirety; setting a precedent of democratic republicanism within the blockchain sphere of influence. C-Reps will be elected to promote and conceive of interchain communities that perpetuates overall communication between these different blockchains; bridging the gap of communication that plagues the blockchain ecosystem to this day. The Icon ecosystem, through the election of C-Reps “enables blockchain communities to talk with one another.” Through the Nexus Protocol, which is a high powered blockchain within the Icon Ecosystem, different communities/blockchains can exchange value and information with one another using the ICX coin as an intermediary and a medium of exchange!

The Embodiment Of Change And Equity Through An Inclusive Blockchain Paradigm: ICONSENSUS!

Democracy In The Digital Age Begins With Interconnectivity And Decentralization: The Embodiment Of The P-Rep Election!

The Icon ecosystem embodies the motto in which the ICONSENSUS is being built upon “vote, spread, disrupt.” Voting will set a precedent of democratic republicanism in the form of pure decentralized democracy; spreading and expanding these virtues resulting in EEPs and disrupting the entirety of the blockchain ecosystem and setting a precedent of participatory democracy within this new form of technological advancement; blockchain technology. Iconists will be able to participate and voice their opinions and ideas on how to expand the ecosystem through EEPs which will act as expansion projects that are driven by our fellow Iconists, promoting inclusivity and activity from those within the Icon Community! A project is ultimately only as powerful and influential as the community that supports and perpetuates it; it is our duty as Iconists to perpetuate the notions of democracy and equal representation that results in the fully decentralized paradigm that is conceived of within the Icon Ecosystem as a result of the P-Rep election. Through participating in the P-Rep elections, both P-Reps and Iconists will actively obtain financial rewards through the form of staking for participating in the expansion and decentralization of the Icon Ecosystem! P-Rep benefits will not only include financial compensation and economic incentives, but the right to governance policies.

“Legacy is not leaving something for people, it is to leave something in people.” Icon P-Reps will conceive of a legacy for themselves throughout the entirety of the Icon Community; legacy is generally synonymous with prestige and prestige will be bestowed upon those who decentralize the Icon Network and respect will ring upon all Icon P-Reps! Icon P-Reps will also be able to join the ICONgress; the format of the Icon governance structure is very similar to the structure of the United States government: states (communities/blockchains) are given the opportunity through a unified front perpetuated by the representation of the populace to govern and conceive of legislation and governance policies throughout the entirety of that state and in return, influencing the entirety of the country (Icon Ecosystem). Iconists will also have their fair share of benefits; Iconists will assist in the governance of the ecosystem through their delegation and simultaneously, for actively participating in the spread of democratic equity manifesting through the Icon Ecosystem, Iconists will receive financial compensation in the form of staking!

Conclusion: Icon Will Bring About An Unprecedented Zeitgeist Of Democratic Inclusivity Manifested Through The Icon Ecosystem!

The Challenges Of The 21st Century Must Be Faced Together, In The Form Of Democratic Republicanism!

It is an unfortunate truth that a majority of the world has been shackled by the chains of despotism, tyranny and demagoguery; the ICONSENSUS presents a parallel to this form of governance through our ecosystem: one of the largest blockchain ecosystems in the world and the largest blockchain platform in South Korea: Icon! The beauty of democracy is that it can manifest itself not only within political institution, but technological ecosystems as well through the ingenuity and innovations of the common man and woman. It is our duty as Iconists to perpetuate this beauty and honor of a completely decentralized paradigm through our P-Rep election; for if it not for our Iconists, P-Reps and C-Reps, the form of democratic equity that Icon is conceiving of would cease to exist, and centralization would again perpetuate its onslaught within the cryptocurrency sphere: but not Icon! The promise of Icon to hyperconnect the world is a challenging feat, but through the incentives, ambitions, passions and insatiable desire for human freedom in the form of decentralized democracy, Icon will succeed in its vision to conceive of participatory decentralized democracy in the form of a fair, equitable and inclusive ecosystem that will conceive of a democratic ethos that other institutions will marvel in its awe. Let Freedom Ring Through Icon!

For more information on the ICONSENSUS Campaign please visit one of these links!


Icon P-Rep Candidate Listing Website:

The Icon Foundation’s Main Website:



Interested in the upcoming ICONSENSUS election? Check out my YouTube channel where I interview P-Reps and discuss their plans for the ICON Ecosystem.

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Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency investing is extremely risky and volatile; I am an Icon Ambassador and i’m not responsible for your investments or trades; furthermore I am a holder of the Icon Cryptocurrency. Always do your own research before investing in anything!



Corey Crypto- Syscoin
Hello ICON World

Disclaimer: Crypto investing involves substantial risk, do not invest more than you can afford to lose! This material is for educational purposes only!