The ICON Decentralization, Price Magnification, Ethos of Elation

Corey Crypto- Syscoin
Hello ICON World
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2019

The ICON Republic: A New Frontier, A Decentralized Network

A Decentralized Organic Ecosystem: A Thriving Network

The P-Rep election is quickly coming to a close, and numerous ICONists have participated in the conception of a newly decentralized republican paradigm. Within the last three and a half weeks, over 120 million ICX are now staked across over fifty P-Rep teams. To put that into perspective, at the time this article was written, approximately 25 million dollars worth of ICX has now been staked and approximately 20% of the entire network has been staked. Decentralization will be the herald of our new digital nation that will prosper for decades to come, and it is more than evident that the ICON Ecosystem now has its grasp on a global frontier, spanning over five continents when accounting for all the P-Rep teams looking to assist in the growth and expansion of the ICON Ecosystem. Decentralization and our P-Rep election has conceived of a notion of participation, incentivization and magnification. The P-Rep election coming to a conclusion is but only one reason for excitement regarding the ICON Ecosystem and the overall utility and exposure ICON will soon receive, not just from global public representatives collaborating and expanding with one another, but on an institutional level as well.

Bakkt and Kraken: Exposure, Expansion, Equity

ICON’s Exposure Is Going To Reach New Heights For Numerous Reasons

Public Representatives hail from all across the globe, specifically showing and providing a perfect paradigm for international cooperative efforts between different teams and different organizational entities. I am most excited to unveil the numerous products and innovations us here at ICONVIET are thirsting to share with you, however, like all great innovations, we want to make sure we develop and create useful and innovative technology for all ICONists that will assist in the perpetuation and expansion of the ICON Ecosystem before releasing information to the public..yet! Announcements will come in the very near future about our plans and products we are planning and developing within the ICON Network. These are but a focal components that will contribute to the expansion of the ICON Ecosystem.

Many people, at least in my personal opinion, don’t know that ICON is one of the 58 cryptocurrencies that will be tracked by Bakkt which is set to launch their Bitcoin futures contract in less than a week. If you don’t believe me that ICON will be part of this massive institutional legitimacy, see for yourself: provided is a link to that. tweet. This institutional legitimacy will garner an increased interest in blue-chip alt-coins because of their listing on the Bakkt platform. If you have been in the cryptocurrency market as long as I have been, we have been waiting for the launch of Bakkt since the end of 2017: nearly two years of waiting patiently.

Hyperconnect The Universe Through Expansion And Exposure

To add onto the list of achievements the ICON Ecosystem has achieved thus far in recent weeks, it is incumbent to note that ICX pairs have now been launched on one of the most prominent and oldest cryptocurrency exchanges launched in 2011: that exchange is known as Kraken. Citizens within the United States; with the exception of New York and Washington State are free to utilize Kraken’s services to buy and sell ICX Coin. Not only does this increase liquidity; it provides more exposure and validity for our project because of the fact that an almost ten year old exchange decided to list our project with trading pairs which include ICX/USD, ICX/EUR, ICX/XBT, ICX/ETH.

This achievement is an important milestone as we approach decentralization; magnifying the importance of all of these events occurring so closely to one another. First the Kraken ICX pairs that just released. Secondly, the overall decentralization of the ICON Network perpetuating expansion and soon, officially being tracked and researched by ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) the owner of the NYSE, Liffe Futures Exchange in Europe, six clearing houses etc. These all have the potential to magnify exponentially the amount of exposure ICON can receive.

Conclusion: An Ethos of Elation: A Zeitgeist Of Transition

I Urge All ICONists To Assist In The Perpetuation Of This Great And Ever-expanding Network!

We have all endured one of the worst bear markets in cryptocurrency history: events are bound to transition for the better sooner or later. We have all been patient, we have all fought admirably in the midst of despair and we will continue to press on, no matter what adversary we face; we’re a community: builders, innovators, creators, inventors and marketers, as a collective we will succeed. ICON will continue to expand, we’re the instrument of the ecosystems augmentation: long may we reign. ICON Nation.

For more information about ICONVIET, check out our proposal page and official website!

Interested in learning about Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology? Enroll in my course on Udemy!

Interested in the upcoming ICONSENSUS election? Check out my YouTube channel where I interview P-Reps and discuss their plans for the ICON Ecosystem.

Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency investing requires substantial risk, do not invest more than you can afford to lose! I am not a financial adviser and I am not responsible for any of your trades. I am an investor of Icon Coin and the information within this article represent my own thoughts and opinions. It is incumbent that you always do your own research before investing in anything!



Corey Crypto- Syscoin
Hello ICON World

Disclaimer: Crypto investing involves substantial risk, do not invest more than you can afford to lose! This material is for educational purposes only!