Token Swap for ERC20 ICO Tokens Coming to an End in 2022

December 31st, 2022 will be the last day you can swap your ERC20 ICO tokens to native ICX tokens on ICONFi.

ICON Foundation
Hello ICON World
1 min readFeb 28, 2022


All ICO participants still holding the ERC20 ICO tokens will have until the end of this year to complete the swap to native ICX tokens. Please make sure to swap your tokens before this service is no longer provided.

ICONFi currently runs two very similar token swap services, which may cause confusion. What will be ending on December 31st, 2022 is the token swap from ERC20 ICO tokens to native ICX tokens (read more here).

Users will still be able to wrap native ICX tokens to ERC20 ICX tokens and vice versa to make cross-chain token transfers, amongst other use cases for wrapped assets (read more here and here).


  • ENDING: Token swap from ERC20 ICO tokens to native ICX tokens. Please swap your ICO tokens before December 31st, 2022.
  • CONTINUING: Token swap between ERC20 ICX tokens and native ICX tokens (for explanation on how to wrap your native ICX token to ERC20 ICX token and vice versa, read here).

