What is ICON?

Connecting Blockchains and Communities

ICON Foundation
Hello ICON World
Jan 7, 2022


ICON is a blockchain that aims to facilitate true crypto interoperability with its built-in Blockchain Transmission Protocol (BTP) technology.

ICON’s signature true interoperability is decentralized, chain-agnostic, and trust-less. The BTP technology is an interoperability layer that supports cross-chain token swaps, contract calls, and generic messaging.

Decentralized Applications (dApps) on the ICON blockchain span all categories, ranging from Decentralized Finance (DeFi) to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT’s).

The ICON network utilizes DPoS consensus and is governed by 25 Public Representatives (P-Reps), which are elected by holders of the ICX token.

Accessing the entire ICON Ecosystem is easily done by downloading a wallet, depositing the ICX token and exploring the many dApps available.

Recommended ICON wallets for downloading:



