Six Podcasts to get You Through Pregnancy and Postpartum

Hello Mom
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2018

If you’re a member of the 3AM Club and looking for something to keep you entertained during those restless pregnancy (non) sleeps or help you stay awake during those middle-of-the-night baby wakings — look no further than the podcast app on your phone. Bonus: Podcasts are usually free and there are thousands to choose from based on your interests and mood. And yes, there are even podcasts for moms!

From gentle guidance to pure entertainment — here are our favorite podcasts that helped us get through pregnancy and new motherhood.

Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Unruffled: This is the podcast my mom wishes she had when raising two kids 30ish years ago. Each episode addresses a listener’s parenting issue through the lens of Janet’s respectful parenting philosophy. Her soothing, reassuring, non-judgemental advice makes you feel as if you really can be a calm, confident parent. Find it here.

One Bad Mother: This is a comedy podcast hosted by Biz Ellis and Theresa Thorn about motherhood and how unnatural it can sometimes be. The weekly podcast features every mother’s thrills and #momfails with a hilariously real (and positive) take on motherhood. Less judging and more laughing? Yes, please! Find it here.

Call Your Girlfriend: This is the podcast you listen to when you want a break from motherhood to catch up on all-things pop culture, politics, and the rest of the stuff going on in the world outside of dirty diapers. It’s funny, smart, and rarely ever baby-related (which is sometimes just what we need). Find it here.

The Longest Shortest Time: This is a parenting podcast for everyone, even non-parents. The Longest Shortest Time takes a reported, storytelling-based approach to parenting topics, with episodes covering sex lives of moms, what it’s like raising a transgender child and a story about a woman’s journey to become a single mother by choice. Find it here.

The Boob Group: This is a podcast entirely about breastfeeding. Hosted by a lactation consultant, the podcast brings an expert-advice, no judgment, support-minded approach to mothers in all types of breastfeeding and pumping situations. Find it here.

Pregnancy Confidential: This is a series of 32 podcasts designed to be accessed weekly by expectant moms. Hosted by editors from Parents and Fit Pregnancy and Baby magazines, each podcast walks listeners through the physical, emotional and/or lifestyle markers of that week of pregnancy. Find it here.

What podcasts helped you get through pregnancy and those first weeks/months/years postpartum? Let us know in the comments below!

