Hello Music Club, 2021 January

Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2021

Welcome to 2021 — Three months late and rollin’

Been a big few months in the land of Hello Music Club. We have moved HQ from San Francisco to Oakland and so I am surrounded by boxes of records and guitars that are itching to get played…

Anyway, enough of these excuses!!!

Here it is

Hello Music Club, 2021 January

Beautiful Mind
Ciscero (feat Oddisee)

This was the first new music I heard in 2021 and it was exactly what I needed. Really loved it and the chorus just bounces around my head. Very excited to hear more from Ciscero in 2021.

Odd Cure

The first track on HMC 2021 January features Oddisee so I went down a little click hole listening to his tracks. This album is gold. It is all done during COVID and there are calls with a bunch of his family (all over the world) as he talks about COVID and what’s going on for all of them. In between these calls, he has rad rad tracks. Love this.

Low Season

The chill has entered the building. This record is super super super smooth. Just put it on and sway around and enjoy the groove. This album reminds me of the Generationals album Alix in the way that you can put it on loop all day and just feel like you are listening to a perfectly curated playlist.


There was no way I wasn’t going to listen to this album. Illiona is French and in general I seem to have a soft spot for French music. Secondly, this album is named Tristesse. I don’t care if she didn’t name it after the Smashing Pumpkins song Tristessa, it was close enough for me to give it a listen.

This album is super super chill. I had heard her single Reste at the start of the year and was very very interested in this release. It is just gorgeous.

Take Me To The Bridge

Look after the year we all just had, we need a moment to dance. This is your moment. DANCE!

Nation of Language
Introduction, Presence

This could have been released anytime in the last 20 years and I would totally think it was the sound of the time. Their bio says “love angel music baby”. I think that describes this album perfectly.

Klara Kristin
Lullaby & Drum Machine

I didn't want to like this album. I felt it was WAY too on the nose… but then I did… and I really dig it. Now you will too… I am sorry, but I am also not. Like the kids said 10 years ago, sorry not sorry.


So, from 2005–2007 I lived in Japan. My life was full of music like this and it just gets in your head. Somehow this popped up in my life as the first new album for 2021 I heard and it kinda has stayed there. Secretly enjoy it too.

late year, Otxhello, Dilip
late year

I have no idea who sent this to me and I have no idea how you knew I would love it but I did.

Aviator EP

Nice to have a little throw back to 10 years ago at the end of the first month of the new year.

Well that was January 2021.
Hope this is the start of something golden for everyone!

Yours in rock and/or roll

