Hello Music Club & SceneStealrEric, 2020 Ultimate Spooky Rock Halloween Playlist That Doesn’t Suck

Published in
Oct 27, 2020

Hello, Music Club!

Well in a FIRST for Hello Music Club we are doing our first COLLABORATIVE PLAYLIST and what a way to start… with the one, the only… World Air Guitar Champion Mean Melin (SceneStealrEric).

If you want to see the gold that is Mean Melin, check him winning the World Championship here

Now, on with the MUSIC!!!

Mean Melin put this one together and it is the Spookiest, Rockiest and Halloweeniest playlist you will ever hear…it’s 6 and a half hours to played in a purposeful order but can also be randomized (imagine the possibility of Slayer and Cat Power and Johnny Cash back to back) for a truly jarring experience

Pure Gold

Yours in Spookiness and/or Halloweeniness,
Waxamillion Dondalinger

