Importance of feedback for a product

Every organization has a goal which is the destination. To reach the destination, you need to discover the correct route to travel and that is feedback.

Roshni Prabhakar
Hellonext Feedback Board
4 min readNov 15, 2018


Feedback helps in letting you know all the steps you need to follow to safely reach your destination. It also makes you proactive by cautioning about the nature and obstacles in the path.

5 Reasons why feedback is important:

“Capitalize on the charm by continually captivating your customer.”

- Ryan Lilly

Listening to customer feedback consistently will have a consistent increase in the performance graph. Ignoring customer feedback may sometimes paralyze an organization. So how you handle customer feedback has a direct impact on the organization.

1. To know about your customer experience:

“If you’re competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer focused allows you to be more pioneering.”

- Jeff Bezos

Though you think that you have built a great product, it becomes a great product only when customers have a great experience using it. Feedback helps you know how your product ideas meet customer satisfaction. This way you can measure the efficiency of your products. Focusing on improving customer experience alone will extend your marketing to a larger extent.

Ceaselessly work on knowing about your customer experience. Do effective feedback collection. Take valuable insights from it and build or improve your products. When customers have a positive experience, they are more likely to create a long-term relationship with your products no matter how many new products launched.

Positive customer experience has the ability to spread easily over a wider range of people than negative customer experience. So it is crucial to take of customer experience.

2. For Improvement and motivation :

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

- Winston Churchill

Feedback are necessary to know about your drawbacks which will help you push your products to the next level. Welcome and accept negative feedback as you do it for a positive feedback. In fact, more than positive feedback, negative feedback will help in rectifying errors and increase the productivity of your products.

And when you work on a negative feedback, customers feel valued and happy. Customers rely on organizations who are attentive to their voice.

On the other hand, positive feedback can motivate you to be more productive and build great products. It also helps you to put consistent efforts for developing products.

3. Strengthens your bond with customers:

“I have come to realize that customers love companies that make them feel good about themselves — companies that reflect what they, the customers, believe about themselves. Customers fall in love with the company that says to them, ‘You are unique. You are great. We are the only ones who can make you feel that way. Fall in love with us and we will continue to make you feel great.’”

– J.N. Halm

Relationship with your customers is the lifeline of your business. Feedback tells about how you can make changes in order to strengthen your bond with your customers.

Feedback is the means of engagement with your customers so the more actively you engage with your customers you are more likely to reduce customer churn completely and captivate new customers easily.

4. Make Better products great :

“At the end of the day, your job isn’t to get the requirements right — your job is to change the world.”

- Jeff Patton

Build more than a normal product using feedback. You can convert your better products into great products by focusing on solving a meaningful problem. Build products that will be useful in a life situation.

This can be effectively done when you capture customer feedback rather than building on your own ideas if it is inappropriate and unwanted to the existing scenario.

5. Consistent and continuous learning :

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

- Bill Gates

The more criticisms you receive and more rectifications you need to incorporate, the more successful you are going to be. Every time you design or add a new feature to your product, be open to feedback and remember that the feature has to undergo a series of iterations. Using your previous errors, enhance the efficiency of your upcoming products.

Never stop receiving or listening to all kinds of customer feedback which will lead to better branding for your organization as well as innovation.

We at @hellonext encourages every product company to understand the importance of feedback. We help a lot of companies to unify the feedback process and help them to validate them in one organized place. Follow us at twitter @hellonexthq to get realtime updates on our amazing journey in touching many lives.

