5 Design Principles for Android TV App

Ruslan Galba
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2020

🧿 5 Design Principles for Android TV App

Courtesy of @millionframes

🔍 Google has given their own set of design principles for their android tv app designs. Most of them are pure common sense and logical.

Compared to other platforms designing UI for TV works entirely differently.

📺 TV is also a fundamentally different platform than web or mobile and requires a unique set of considerations like screen size, distance, and context of use.

Not to mention that most TV is operated by a Directional pad which makes the UI design for TV app more limited.

1️⃣ Casual Consumption should be simple

2️⃣ Cinematic Experience can be created using the real estate (large screen)

3️⃣ Lightweight Interaction (Less steps)

4️⃣ Shared Context (tv is shared with family)

5️⃣ Less amount of Information on TV

Casual Consumption

People often use TV in a relaxed mindset. While searching for content, every part of the experience should be simple and smooth. The default action should be one click away.

Cinematic experience

The large tv screen gives us the opportunity for large, high-resolution graphics and visual elements that build a rich and dynamic experience.

Lightweight interaction

Build apps with less screens possible between onboarding and content display. Minimize the number of navigation steps required to perform actions. Avoid making users enter text whenever possible.

Shared Context

TV is an important part of family and social gatherings. This makes a TV an important shared device and anyone in a family might have access to it, so the app content should be appropriate for mixed audiences.

Less Amount of Information

Due to the viewing distance of the TV users may not be able to process as much information on TV as they would on a computer or mobile device. Limit the amount of text and reading on TV screens.

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Ruslan Galba

Increasing revenue for DTC brands via Facebook / Google ads 🚀Growth Strategist 🤘 Founder @hellotegra growth team 🤖 $5M+ profitable ad spend in 2020