6 Different Ways To Learn How To Code

Ruslan Galba
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2020

6 Different Ways To Learn How To Code 💻

Courtesy of @thecodercoder

There are many different ways to learn web development these days 🔀

Online docs, going through books, blog posts, video tutorials, online curriculum, and even coding bootcamps! 📚

What’s your favorite way of learning?

Online documentation

EXAMPLES: MDN, Git, React, Vue

You can generally trust the creator to be teaching you best practices.
Some companies are better than others at explaining concepts, or even having documentation! D:


EXAMPLES: Eloquent JavaScript, Jon Duckett’s books

Books tend to be very in-depth and can be packed with information.
They can sometimes not hold the reader’s attention, or lack enough visual elements.

Online articles

EXAMPLES: CSS Tricks, Smashing Magazine

It’s free to read blog posts! They give you quick information.
They can be too short, or don’t give enough context.

Video tutorials

EXAMPLES: Udemy, YouTube, Wes Bos

They can be free or cheap, and video can be more engaging than written tutorials.
Since each video covers one and video can be more topic, it can be difficult to figure out your learning path to go from zero to pro level.

Online curriculum

EXAMPLES: freeCodeCamp, Treehouse, Udacity

They have a path of learning planned out for you, which you can follow at your own pace.
They can be more expensive than books or one-off videos.

Coding bootcamps

EXAMPLES: Hack Reactor, Flatiron School, General Assembly

Having a physical school and teachers can help you stay motivated, and they provide one-on-one support.
They can be very expensive and are usually fast-paced, which can be overwhelming.

Ultimately, there is no one “best” way of learning web development.
If you’re starting out, try a few different ways to see which method helps you learn the best!

Bonus — useful designer tools for everyday usage:

FlyWheel — is managed WordPress hosting built for designers and creative agencies.
FlowKit — allows designers to create frighteningly fast user flows within Sketch and Figma.
Leadpages — lets you build beautiful, high-converting websites, unlimited landing pages, pop-up forms you can add to your other websites.
Crello — a free graphic design editor that helps create images for social media, print, and other web-based graphics.

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Ruslan Galba

Increasing revenue for DTC brands via Facebook / Google ads 🚀Growth Strategist 🤘 Founder @hellotegra growth team 🤖 $5M+ profitable ad spend in 2020