Creating Killer Focus

Ruslan Galba
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2020

Creating Killer Focus 🎯

Courtesy of @dfinnegan_
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This tool has helped me refocus many times, It so easy to let lots of things build up, and before you know it you’re snowed under trying to finish everything.
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Taking a step back to evaluate is always useful 💯
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Because it’s easy to lose sight of what’s going to create the biggest impact in your life.

Knowing what to focus on is hard

It can feel like every single thing is important, and you don’t know where to start

Use this technique to help!

Getting started

Add your tasks on this chart based on the effort it will take, and the impact it will create.

Low effort + High impact

This is low hanging fruit, if they’re high impact and take little effort, why wouldn’t you focus on them?

High effort + High impact

If you’re totally sure these tasks are high impact, then they are worth focusing on.

Low effort + Low impact

Don’t spend too long on these tasks, some may be nice to have, others will just be a waste of time.

High effort + Low impact

Why are these tasks on your list? Drop them, or leave them until you’ve cleared the rest of your list!

Bonus tip!

If you find that all of your tasks are high effort and high impact, it might mean they’re too big to try to break them down into smaller, more actionable pieces. You may find there are parts of the task that are just slowing you down.

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Ruslan Galba

Increasing revenue for DTC brands via Facebook / Google ads 🚀Growth Strategist 🤘 Founder @hellotegra growth team 🤖 $5M+ profitable ad spend in 2020