Freelancing is Not as Glamorous as It is Told

Ruslan Galba
Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2020

💸 Freelancing is Not as Glamorous as It is Told

Courtesy of @millionframes

You might have already heard this that freelancing is not so glamorous as it has been told or you might have thought.

Let’s see a few of the things which I realized working as a freelancer and I should tell you that these things are just normal and it happens with everyone out there, we just need to focus and keep moving on.

1️⃣. It might take time to get your first client

2️⃣. It’s a lonely journey for sure at the start, if you are working alone.

3️⃣. You might need to put in 100 hours per week or more

4️⃣. You need to look after your expenses for not running into a financial crisis

5️⃣. You might need to setup multiple income streams to survive the starting phase.

🛸 Think through before you jump into freelancing world. It’s sweet for sure but it comes with a little more effort you might not know about.

🥋 Nothing is easy, remember that. Everything requires effort as other things in life, so dive into it with proper planning and work hard without expecting results in a month or two.

You have to hunt for clients at the start which might be tough.

You have to give in more hours than you might give in a 9–5

You might have to generate multiple sources of income stream to survive.

Freelancing is a lonely journey at the start.

But good thing is that you can take a day off whenever you don’t feel like working and spend your time with family and friends.

You need to manage your expenses well to avoid going into a financial crisis.

There are times when you might not have clients or your passive income isn’t generating a good amount of money. These things are normal so you have to think from a money perspective too.

Don’t compare yourself to your job going peers to avoid stress or demotivation.

But, You will enjoy it once you get acquainted with it. It takes time and continuous effort.

Bonus — 8 useful tools for everyday usage:

Crello — a free graphic design editor that helps create images for social media, print, and other web-based graphics.
Leadpages — lets you build beautiful, high-converting websites, unlimited landing pages, pop-up forms you can add to your other websites.
FlyWheel — is managed WordPress hosting built for designers and creative agencies.
LetyShops — this service allows you to get a cashback of the amount spent on the purchase — up to 30%!
Zadarma — cloud communications platform that offers the best VoIP phone system — IP PBX, virtual numbers in 90 countries.
Manychat — visual bot builder for Facebook Messenger with broadcasts, analytics, scheduled posting and many other features!
Funnelytics — the best funnel mapping software available to marketers and entrepreneurs today.

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Ruslan Galba

Increasing revenue for DTC brands via Facebook / Google ads 🚀Growth Strategist 🤘 Founder @hellotegra growth team 🤖 $5M+ profitable ad spend in 2020