How to Build User Flows

Ruslan Galba
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2020

How to Build User Flows 💫

Courtesy of @learn_uxd
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A user flow is a series of steps a user takes to achieve a meaningful goal 🎯
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It shows the path a user takes through the product as they complete a specific task.
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It’s one of the most important tools of a UX designer.
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In this post, we’ll talk about how to build a user flow 🌊

The ability to create and think in user flows is one of the most important skills in a UX designer’s toolkit.
Let’s look at how to build a user flow…

Gather preliminary info

To make the whole process smoother, we’ll need to figure out three key pieces of information before we start drawing out the flow.

Who is the user?
Someone who just created an account and is on the app to build up their business.

What is their goal?
Post a public update for the first time.

What are the steps they need to take?
Write the post, add some hashtags, then publish.

Give it a title

Start by giving the flow a name that describes its purpose: the goal of your user. We’ll keep the scope a complete representation of that one task.

Stick to one direction

Keep things focused, and only go in one direction. If it’s getting long, or branches off in too many directions, you can split it up into distinct tasks.

Draw out each step

What do we show for each step? You can use just about almost anything, but wireframes tend to be best because they’re clear and quick to make.

Include some explanation

Explain what’s happening, and if necessary include the why’s behind what the user needs to do. But make it quick and from the user’s perspective.

Evaluate and improve

We’ve made a flow! … Now what? Let’s figure out how we can improve it. Here are some key questions to ask ourselves to analyze our flow:

  • How can we make this flow more efficient?
  • How can we make this flow more clear?
  • Are there any other areas of friction?

Looking back at our example, I can see a few points where we can improve…

Evaluate and improve (cont.)

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Ruslan Galba

Increasing revenue for DTC brands via Facebook / Google ads 🚀Growth Strategist 🤘 Founder @hellotegra growth team 🤖 $5M+ profitable ad spend in 2020