Introducing Adobe After Effects Micro Course. Pt. 1

Ruslan Galba
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2020

🛡️ Introducing Adobe After Effects Micro Course. Pt. 1

Courtesy of @millionframes

🔭 What’s that?

🔔 Recently I was getting a lot of requests regarding After Effects basics tutorials. I thought let’s create a micro blog kind of posts to make after effects easier to start and understand in small bits.

⚔️ My experience in after effects comes from practicing everyday for the last 8 years and watching a hell lot of video tutorials.

🔍 You might be having a lot of questions in mind like,

1️⃣ Who can find this useful or is this course for me?

2️⃣ What kind of interactions I can design with after effects?

3️⃣ Why should I take this course?

4️⃣ What is After Effects?

5️⃣ What will I learn in this course?

6️⃣ Topics covered in this course

🔮 I have cleared all these doubts inside the post. So sit back and start learning.

Who can find this useful?

UI, UX, Interaction, Motion & Product Designers

What kind of interactions you can design?

Create UI animations and smooth micro interactions with AE

Why should I take this course?

I have been using Adobe After Effects for the last 8 years and if you ask me, it has helped me a lot in giving that extra edge in interactions and motion design.
I have spent a lot of my time on this tool and have referred to many youtube tutorials and blogs during my time when I was starting out. Now it’s time to give back to the community what I have learned on my way, so sit back and enjoy. “

What is After Effects (AE)?

Adobe After Effects is a motion design, animation and visual effects tool made for designers, filmmakers, motion designers and anyone who wants to create fresh new animations and moving graphics. It can be used for all types of animations and interactions.
It is available for both mac and windows.

What you will learn in this micro course?

  • Understanding the interface, workspace, animation properties, and fundamentals.
  • Understanding the concepts behind Animation Techniques.
  • Learning how to Design, Animate and Render animation and motion design.
  • Exploring all the transformations properties.


  • Learn easy, yet powerful, techniques to create the most complex animations
  • Gain a solid understanding of all of the fundamentals of Adobe After Effects
  • Explore the fundamentals of Motion Designing
  • Create Stunning animations using Build in Effects (no expensive third party plugins)

Topics covered in this micro course?

  • Exploring the Interface
  • Layers (Solid, Shape)
  • Workspace
  • Blending Modes
  • Transform Properties
  • Basic Expressions
  • Compositions
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Shape Layers
  • Track Mattes
  • Understanding Masks
  • Null Objects
  • Graph Editor
  • Understanding Animation
  • Parenting & Pick whip

& more

By the end of this micro course,

You will have enough of an understanding of Adobe After Effects as well as enough confidence to start creating your own interactions and animations.
Also, I really hope that you will be in a position where you can then pick up any online tutorial that you may find and be able to follow along.

Bonus — 4 tools that may be useful in your designer way:

Flowkit — allows designers to create frighteningly fast user flows within Sketch and Figma.
Webflow — all-in-one web design tool that allows users to design, build, and launch responsive websites visually.
Crello — the simplest online image editor. A simple but powerful tool to create awesome designs for any social media format — posts, covers, graphics, and posters using the best software on the web. It’s easy! A lot of animated designs.
Funnelytics — an incredible tool that helps you build the best marketing funnel mapping.

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Ruslan Galba

Increasing revenue for DTC brands via Facebook / Google ads 🚀Growth Strategist 🤘 Founder @hellotegra growth team 🤖 $5M+ profitable ad spend in 2020