Onboarding for First-Time Users

Ruslan Galba
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2020

Onboarding for First-Time Users 🍀

Courtesy of @_ayushjangra_

Onboarding is a virtual unboxing experience that helps users get started with an app.

Onboarding is one point in a long journey that begins in the app store and ends with the user taking the first key retention-correlated action in your app 📱

When designing your onboarding, consider the screens that came before it and those that will come after it.

Show onboarding to first-time users ✔

Don’t show it to returning users ❌

Cheers! 👋

3 onboarding models

There are three onboarding models: self-select, quickstart, and top user benefits.

Allow users to customize their experiences.

Start the user directly in the app.

Top user benefits
Display a carousel or a brief animation highlighting the benefits of using the app.

Self-select model

The Self-Select model allows users to customize their first-run experience by making a short series of choices.
Choices should:

  • Be meaningful and noticeable
  • Provide new information
  • Be short

Quickstart model

In the Quickstart model, users land directly in the UI without any onboarding model shown (other than sign in and setup).
The Quickstart model:

  • Enables users to quickly get started with the core functionality of the app
  • Often prioritizes the first key action
  • Can also provide an optional way to learn more or ask for help

Top user benefits model

The Top User Benefits onboarding model contains a brief autoplay carousel, or animated storyboard, that highlights the primary benefits from using an app.

  • Problems that the app solves
  • The primary benefits the app creates
  • The app’s “toothbrush features” (meaning, a feature you would use once or twice a day)

Mobile and tablet portrait

Headline: Type 24sp, Leading 32sp
Subhead: Type 16sp, Leading 24sp
Line Height: 32sp
Padding between the top of button and center of copy: 56dp (allowing for 1–3 lines of text)
Vertical padding from image to pagination dots: 24dp

Mobile and tablet landscape

Headline: Type 24sp, Leading 32sp
Subhead: Type 16sp, Leading 24sp
Line Height: 32sp
Padding between the top of button and center of copy: 56dp (allowing for 1–3 lines of text)
Vertical padding from image to pagination dots: 24dp


Headline: Type 24sp, Leading 32sp
Subhead: Type 16sp, Leading 24sp
Line Height: 32sp
Padding between the top of button and center of copy: 56dp (allowing for 1–3 lines of text)
Vertical padding from image to pagination dots: 24dp
Horizontal spacing from image to arrow: 48dp

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Ruslan Galba

Increasing revenue for DTC brands via Facebook / Google ads 🚀Growth Strategist 🤘 Founder @hellotegra growth team 🤖 $5M+ profitable ad spend in 2020