Save Your Followers Time! Here is 1 Minute Rule

Ruslan Galba
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2020

Save Your Followers Time! Here is 1 Minute Rule ⌚️

Courtesy of @moneyvillains

Spending hours on your content is counterproductive! ❌

People want you to pack a punch!

Give them the goods without making them work for it! ⁣ ⁣

Just emphasizing that spewing out numbers and facts and packing all those definitions and stats into one carousel don’t mean anything.

Share an effective strategy you used that will help! ⁣

The 1-minute rule is something I apply to every carousel and try to keep it close to that number every time I create.

Try creating for those who want to read in under 1 minute and you will find yourself condensing and becoming more creative to get your point across all while saving time! ⁣ ⏳

Value is a key, but you need to put it to the post clean and understandable for people ☝

1 minute?

For what?

To consume the next two slides!

Long ago before carousels were designs there was a boy, a boy named charlie and charlie didnt like to read and so he would rip his book into five mill pieces and leave it on his brothers pillow who then proceeded to buy more books for charlie and then the process repeated and charlie c i old not get e of piping the books up and putt them on more pillows and more pillows and he never stopped it i is he? Why he not stip him ripping these books?

Well charlie hated to read. He hated it so much he would do anything to not have to read ever again. His parents hated this about charlie and t him even more books and more books until they built a library and charlie just ripped them all up. Everyday he would create a pile of pages and slide them and laugh and cry and parents would punish and he didnt care. He just kept ripping the pages. Until one day charlie ran way.

Did you just skip those two slides?

Or did you read that under a minute?

1 minute rule!

Heres the thing. Absolutely no one has time to read your novel of a carousel no matter how much value you put into it. If I cant read it in under a minute? I’m leaving!

Please share this with your friends and your friends friends!

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Ruslan Galba

Increasing revenue for DTC brands via Facebook / Google ads 🚀Growth Strategist 🤘 Founder @hellotegra growth team 🤖 $5M+ profitable ad spend in 2020