Why You Should Do Weekly Reflections

Ruslan Galba
Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2020

Why You Should Do Weekly Reflections 🔃

Courtesy of @thestevenmellor

Do you hold yourself accountable?

Seriously 🤨

Do you?

Here’s why you should do a weekly reflection.

And why it’s changed my life for the better 🔝

Reflections help you look back on the previous week and take note of all of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (Shoutout Clint Eastwood!) that may have gone.

It helps you hold yourself accountable, improve your designs, and celebrate your victories.

It also builds self-confidence 💪

Follow along to see my method and how you can apply it to.

Also, if you do weekly reflections, I’d love to hear about them!

Oh, and don’t worry.


Hold yourself accountable

This biggest thing is that it makes you WANT to improve and brings out the competitive desire to consistently Win.

Improve your designs

This will have an immediate impact on your design thinking because it will help SPARK NEW IDEAS or angles that you can attack a problem.

Celebrate victories

It helps boost self confidence when you can look back and see all of the great things that you did, rather than the COUPLE OF MISCUES that may have happened.

How I reflect

I record all my reflection via the Notes app or Voice Memos on Friday evenings.
This has been absolutely MASSIVE for my career growth and personal development.
It’s made me more ACCOUNTABLE.
It’s made more HONEST with myself,
And more OPEN about sharing my story.

Define your goal

What do you want to accomplish out of this reflection? Something tangible and meaningful to you.

Set a schedule. And stick to it!

No excuses. Spend 15 minutes each week to look over your victories and missteps and how you can improve the following week. It’ll pay dividends by making you a better designer, and overall better person.

Get a weekly outline sketched out

You’ll want to have some questions or triggers that will spark your memory. These can be simply “What went well about this week?” Or “What project or task did I miss on?” Or “What was I excited about?”

Start recording it

You can record it on paper, voice note, or video. Whatever format fits best for you, pick that one and just do it.

Bonus — useful tools for everyday usage:

Crello — the simplest online image editor. A simple but powerful tool to create awesome designs for any social media format — posts, covers, graphics, and posters using the best software on the web. It’s easy! A lot of animated designs.
Designmodo — a timesaving tool that helps create websites and email builders designed for developers, designers, marketers, and non-tech users.
iHerb — is an online store for natural products sourced from countries around the world from over 1,200 trusted brands.
LetyShops — this service allows you to get a cashback of the amount spent on the purchase — up to 30%.
Patreon — is a membership platform that makes it easy for artists and creators to get paid.
Flowkit — allows designers to create frighteningly fast user flows within Sketch and Figma.
The Futur — is an online education platform loaded with content, courses, and tools to help you build better design skills and better creative businesses.

Be free to send me any feedback by reply or reach me in DM on Instagram
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Ruslan Galba

Increasing revenue for DTC brands via Facebook / Google ads 🚀Growth Strategist 🤘 Founder @hellotegra growth team 🤖 $5M+ profitable ad spend in 2020