Writing Killer Case Studies for Your Portfolio

Ruslan Galba
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2020

Writing Killer Case Studies for your portfolio ✏

Courtesy of @uxsteven

Case Studies can literally break your potential if they’re not included in your portfolio ☝

Clients need more substance than just stunning visuals ✨

They need to know how you got to X conclusion and why you decided to take that path, as well as what your role was in the whole process.

Here’s an outline on how to craft case studies for your portfolio to make sure you land that next gig:

◻ Project Overview
◻ Existing Problems
◻ Audience
◻ Your Role & Scope of project
◻ Your Process
◻ Outcomes
◻ Testimonial from client

Project overview

Clients respond well to big, appealing visuals and relative context. Wow, them with a stunning visual of a complete project.
Above the fold should be a big bold title or Client name, full width visual, and a quick sentence or two that summarizes that project and the role you played.

Existing problems

What problems is this client trying to solve, what issues are they facing.
Is their website outdated, slow, or not converting users?

Audience definition

Who is the core user of this brand and product? This helps establish a relationship that the client can attach to and relate with if it’s in a similar market.
Try to vary (if possible) the types of problems you solve. They are all UX case studies, yes, but try to solve something for poor conversions, ui/ux overhauls, brand strategy, sales growth, etc.

Role & Scope

Here is where you can elaborate on your role, how you operated, the timeline, project scope and how you executed successfully against those deliverables.
Clients will want to see a tight-knit framework that they can copy.

Design Process

Expand on the secrets that you use that make you — well, you. They want to know the secret sauce at how you accomplished all that you did and how you delivered those magical results. Put that here.

Results & Data

For all the data lovers, break this section down into big bold numbers that are quantifiable and recognizable. Example, Increase in downloads, increase in conversion rate, month-over-month growth.
This will help justify the price you charge or the salary you want, you just have to spoon feed them the numbers.

Testimonial from Client

So this is a big one that I’ve seen recently, getting a reaction or quote from the client on how well the project went and how satisfied they are. This will help build Social Proof and establish trust with your next potential client.

Bonus — useful designer tools for everyday usage:

FlyWheel — is managed WordPress hosting built for designers and creative agencies.
Crello — a free graphic design editor that helps create images for social media, print, and other web-based graphics.
FlowKit — allows designers to create frighteningly fast user flows within Sketch and Figma.
Leadpages — lets you build beautiful, high-converting websites, unlimited landing pages, pop-up forms you can add to your other websites.

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Ruslan Galba

Increasing revenue for DTC brands via Facebook / Google ads 🚀Growth Strategist 🤘 Founder @hellotegra growth team 🤖 $5M+ profitable ad spend in 2020