Leveraging Data and Experience: Why Belichick is the Best in the Business

It’s not just cheating ;)

Matthew Daddario
Helm Experience & Design
6 min readFeb 10, 2017


Subheadings aside, whether you love him or despise him, you have to respect what Bill Belichick has accomplished.

Now, you still may be asking yourself… why is a Buffalo-based design studio writing about the exploits of the infamous Patriots head coach? It’s not that we are ecstatic about our conference rival’s success, but we recognize that some* of the ways he has achieved it can be applied to winning in business.

A huge cliche you will find discussed across sports talk shows reveling in the Patriots glory is the way that Bill Belichick prepares his team. Ron Jaworski, a self-proclaimed preparation fanatic, will laud the hours a good coaching staff spends staring into the abyss of endless film study.

This broad summation provides great television fodder to the masses that is essentially meaningless (which is what Belichick wants). It’s like fitness models saying they achieved their physique by exercising. Well they also probably eat right, sleep soundly, and are mentally stable. These equally important factors get left out and you miss over half of the formula to fitness success.

After poring through some interviews from players and staff that worked with Belichick during his time at the Lions, Browns, Giants, and Patriots I discovered principles surrounding his preparation and decision-making that can be applied to help nearly any business to design better products, win more business, and instill a great culture.

For the Patriots management team and coaching staff there are two components of their preparation, which involve a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The deep relationship between these two forms of measurement are the bread and butter behind the sustained success of Bill Belichick and the greatest companies around the world.


Quantitative analysis involves using numbers and established relative measurements to achieve a conclusion. Despite what Bill might tell you, he uses this type of analysis to make decisions at the micro and macro level. Using statistics to support short and long term decision-making is critical to making good choices. On the football field this applies to deciding what players to pursue in free agency and select in the draft, to weighing the odds on deciding what to do on 4th and 2 at your own 28. While in your business this could involve tracking your conversion metrics after a website redesign or the workflow of specific user personas.

Bob Kraft is one of the few NFL owners who is a major believer in analytical analysis, also Belichick’s economics background provides him an edge in understanding decision making theory. The practice of gaining as much information as possible from a variety of perspectives gives leaders a competitive edge in sports, business, and product design.

Data to Understand

A principle he strategically employs on a consistent basis is the concept of hyperbolic delay discounting which posits that people make a less rational decision in direct correlation to the time it takes to realize the result. Using prior performance data to forecast future results and understand your competition’s behavior is critical to developing unique value propositions.

Belichick and his staff employ this theory when managing his draft picks by trading down immediate picks for future higher value picks. This long-term view superseding short term gains is a key indicator in sustainable business success according to the Harvard Business Review.

Hire for Quantitative Strengths

A common business axiom is to hire people smarter than you. One of Belichick’s key advisors is the little known Ernie Adams. Previously a trader for Morgan Stanley, Ernie designs measurement tools and synthesizes football analytics that the Patriots decision-makers rely on. The Boston Globe describes him as:

“Adams, who is officially listed as “football research director,” is the man behind the Patriots’ iron curtain. He is the man who has Belichick’s ear. He is a football genius, a statistical savant, the Rain Man of the NFL. In the words of late author David Halberstam, Adams is Belichick’s Belichick.”

Quiet Execution

Just like how Steve Jobs maintained an unprecedented level of secrecy with Apple’s revolutionary products, consistent and humble execution allows giants to maintain their competitive advantage. By not flaunting the advantages that the Patriots are gaining with modern technological capabilities and data they remain ahead of the pack.


Qualitative analysis involves measurement based on quality, which is Belichick’s personal specialty. This type of analysis is dependent on context and requires what many call a high “football IQ” to properly decipher. Many business owners who have been working in an industry for over 20 years possess similar levels of expertise.

Nothing can Replace Experience

This area is precisely where he is regarded as a genius. In regards to his stamina and passion for studying the game, he has no equals. Just like in business, the hardest workers win and the leaders who empathize with their customers design the best solutions.

Lead by Example

Coaches he worked with cited times where he would spend 20 minutes analyzing each play of a game, averaging 3 plays per hour. Colleagues remark, and may exaggerate, that he is so devoted to this study that he only sleeps 2 hours per night. He leads by example and does not expect his staff and players to do anything he wouldn’t do.

Build a Culture of Accountability

The culture surrounding this detailed preparation is pervasive throughout the organization. There is a constant looming possibility that when a player runs into him they will be asked a film study or playbook question. These principles resonate in the traditional business-world, where a culture that has high standards and accountability to a team/purpose leads to positive pressure and ultimately high quality execution.


What businesses can learn from this

The main takeaway for business owners reading this, besides not being afraid to look at different industries to derive inspiration, is the fact that despite Bill Belichick being arguably the most intelligent qualitative analyst of football we have ever seen, he still invests and relies on contemporary technology and data.

The way he makes decisions is a fusion of his lifetime of experience and effective use of analytics unlocked by modern technology. This scintillatingly effective decision-making combination is something many business owners today strive to achieve and usually fall far short due to lack of investment or understanding.

So as you’re thinking about how to improve your business and decision-making skills, remember that even “old-school, hard-nosed” Bill Belichick bridges his seemingly infinite football knowledge with modern technology processes and experts. It’s what has allowed to him to maintain an inflated dominance over his competitors in a monopolized industry that actively promotes parity. If your organization can work to combine incredible experience with thoughtful design and technology you’ll be well on your way winning your Superbowl.

Helm Experience & Design is a digital product and UX design firm that respects the Patriot’s recent success but also knows that they will never get to 4 straight Superbowls and have nothing on the K-Gun. Go Bills!

Check out the innovative companies we work with with here. If you’d like to talk more about design, technology, or business send us an email at team@helmux.com.

