4 Mistakes People Make While Wearing a Helmet

Helmet Saves
Helmet Saves
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2017

While you are told to wear a helmet when riding to be safe, it won’t serve its purpose unless you wear it correctly. Listed below are some common mistakes riders make while using helmets that you should avoid.

1. Not fastening chin straps

Chin straps are a helmet’s retention system. These ensure that the helmet fits firmly and correctly on your head. Unfortunately, many people do not fasten these straps because it is uncomfortable or sometimes causes skin irritation. This might not seem like a grave mistake, but it can be dangerous. In the case of an accident, if the chin strap isn’t fastened, the helmet could fall off your head, resulting in a head injury.

2. Wear a full-face helmet

Most modern helmets that are available today include a jaw-protection system; for instance — full face helmets. This system protects the lower part of your face in case of an accident. Open-face helmets on the other hand, are unable to provide this same protection. Also, some people remove this jaw protection system while driving, thereby defeating the whole purpose of a full-face helmet.

3. Not maintaining the visor

A visor protects the rider from wind, dust, rain etc., and protects your face in case of an accident. Many people don’t clean or repair (in case of damage) their visors when needed. As a result, the visor ends up becoming dusty and full of scratches, causing reduced visibility for the rider. Hence, it is necessary that you either clean your visor or replace it periodically.

4. Sticking a phone inside the helmet

In this fast-paced world, everyone wants to stay connected all the time. Hence, many riders often place their mobile phones between the ear and the helmet, to make it easier to take calls. There is always a risk of the helmet loosening and falling off your head- exposing it to severe damage. Additionally, using a phone while riding can be distracting and could cause an accident.

While many of us take safety seriously and wear a helmet when we ride, the way we wear the helmet is equally important. So, avoid making the mistakes mentioned above so that you and your loved ones remain safe while on the road.



