5 Productive Things You Can Do In Quarantine

Christian Helms
Published in
6 min readMar 22, 2020


You’re stuck inside for the next two weeks to two months depending on how things go with COVID-19. Some people and places are forced to be in quarantine while others are just highly suggested to be.

There’s been one case in my county so far and we heard of it two days ago. Far before that people were already practicing social distancing. In fact, two weeks ago, when the disease first came to the US, businesses in my city of Joplin, Missouri were already closing up shop in preparation.

Just because you can’t work doesn’t mean you can’t be productive while you’re at home during quarantine! Let’s talk about five productive things you can do while quarantined.

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

#1 Start A Side Hustle

No work means no money; at least for right now. There have been talks from the federal government about bailouts for certain industries that are hit the hardest. There have also been talks about giving relief funds to people through checks.

People may not be shopping in person; however, online shopping is not only still functioning but growing faster than ever. People need supplies but still want things like…



Christian Helms

I build funnel systems for businesses. CEO of Sales Funnel Science.