CMO’s leverage SMS Marketing to increase website traffic. See How

83% of targeted users accept that they visit website after receiving a promotional SMS

To increase customer acquisition and retention, marketers must focus on the website

One of the most important chore for any business is to get more traffic on their website. With so many websites reaping in the market, there is a lot of competition to attract new users to the website. It is necessary to understand that the website today, is the most powerful tool. It has the potential to be an important asset and the centerpiece of a brand’s marketing efforts.

Here are a few factors that can progressively help in increasing the website traffic.

  1. Organic Search SEO

Keyword rich content is the key to get audience to the website. Brands need to pay attention to their on-page SEO by optimizing their content for easy visibility on search engines. This optimization doesn’t take ages but accurate strategizing helps to boost the website’s traffic. Here are a few facts about SEO.

Statistics on SEO

2. Social Media Posts:

Another organic way to increase traffic to your website is to get notably visible on social media. With increasing digitalization, use of social media to promote blog posts and other useful content can turn out to be a great channel for marketing. Adding hashtags to posts that promote the website pages is another benefit as it can extend the brand’s reach beyond its network and get discovered by new and potential users.

3. Use Landing Pages

An appropriate landing page is an essential tool that serves as the entry point for a website or a particular section of a website. They act as an essential source of traffic augmentation on the website. Plus, they contain the details users need, in order to move forward and convert into leads.

Result oriented SMS integrated marketing works wonders for getting targeted users to the website.

3. Start one-to-one marketing

Sending out regular notifications to promote offers through email or SMS is a great way to stay in touch with the customers and can also help to enhance website traffic.

In order to increase website traffic, brand must ensure to provide useful information and links that lead user to the website. Such Marketing automations will help the users to stay on the website for long but the brand must be careful about the promotional content as it heavily influences whether or not a user clicks on the link or not.

However, it is widely accepted that SMS integrated marketing has better response compared to Email Marketing.

Helo Marketing Cloud empowers customers with SMS Marketing along with analytics

4. Be Digitally Omnipresent

Being active on online groups and on websites that are relevant to the business helps a brand to increase their online visibility. With this, if the marketers ensure to participate in all online conversations related to their industry, they indirectly promote the brand and its offerings.

However, randomly commenting doesn’t get a boost to the website traffic but providing insightful, thought-provoking comments on industry blogs and sites will surely help.

5. Study the Analytics

Getting more website visitors does not happen overnight.

However, brands can use tracked links for their marketing automation campaigns and regularly check their website analytics. This will enable them to identify which strategies and types of content work, which ones can be improved and which ones they should not waste time on.

Following benefits can be identified through Analytical study.

Now, building website traffic involves the above mentioned strategies that form a quick way to connect with users and gain interactions. Many brands use these tactics to consistently escalate their website traffic at a specific time. With increasingly emerging smartphone market, brands are now making use of mobile advertising as a smart way to promote themselves. Among the various channels of mobile advertising,

SMS Integrated marketing is one tool that provides a fresh and greatly engaging option for promotion.

It is widely acknowledged that over 97.5% of text messages are opened and with this, a brand can be assured that its message will have high response rate.

Let’s get to know how SMS can be used as a powerful tool to help a brand reach its goal.

How SMS Integrated Marketing can proficiently boost website Traffic

Did you know? 79% of smartphone users rely on an SMS opt-in or other mobile device service to assist them in making purchasing decisions while shopping

Everyone in the digital marketing world knows the importance of the SMS integrated Marketing used across industries for promotion and transactions.

SMS Marketing Services once clubbed with other web marketing tools, like online networking, link building, SEO and other web marketing techniques can be fruitful in increasing website traffic.

SMS Integrated Marketing is an ancient yet one of the best techniques useful to promote business, whether small business or a big business.

One of the biggest advantages of SMS Integrated Marketing is that it will immediately reach the targeted user and promote the brand.

It’s not just used to simply send SMS but it can be an essential tool to promote the brand and attract people towards its offerings. It is considered more successful as compared to other digital marketing service as its response can easily be traceable. A brand can create more productivity if it can use SMS integrated marketing in a smart way. Here are some interesting facts about SMS Integrated marketing.

SMS Integrated Marketing

SMS Integrated Marketing is extremely economic compared to other media available in the marketing world. However, a brand needs to ensure that their promotional text is small and concise and to the point, in a successful and proficient way.

A well planned approach of SMS Integrated Marketing brings a brand closer to its customers and helps in building positive relationships. A customer-oriented strategy can assure to attract more customers through the retained ones, resulting in increased website traffic.

As users continue to use mobile devices more than laptops and desktops, it can be said that the future of marketing is shifting towards mobile, specifically SMS Integrated marketing because of its availability in both old phones and internet enabled phones. Hence, with all the marketing plans in place, it’s a must for a brand to incorporate SMS Integrated marketing for a healthier response offline and generate greater traffic online.

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Helo Marketing Cloud

Helo Marketing Cloud helps you target & acquire more customers. Smart Messaging platform with ground level analytics for B2C Marketers.