SMS Automation: The right route to successful marketing Campaign

The powerful implementation of smartphone and internet has given added benefits to advertisers and brands who are finding ways to attract customers. Mobile marketing has evolved to be more about enabling a two-way interaction between the brand and its customers. It has become a part of the multi-channel strategy, by offering multiple functions from calling to browsing the Internet, watching movies, checking social networks and chatting with friends, playing games and even shopping online.

Among all these variety of options mobile phones offer us today, there is one everyone uses — SMS.

Mobile marketing Association confirms this, stating that over 350 billion text messages are being sent across the world’s mobile networks each month.

Despite all the developments in social media and mobile apps in the past decade, text messaging still continues to be one of the most powerful ways to communicate for business growth.

According to recent studies, on an average, the world sees over 8.3 trillion text messages sent over the course of a year.

It further breaks down to 16 billion text messages per minute at any given time around the world. SMS Marketing campaign can do wonders as a part of Omni-channel strategy or Multi-Channel strategy for generating leads. However, the actual structuring and planning of a successful SMS Marketing campaign can be a complex endeavor. With a cost-effective budget and a well-planned strategy it is possible to reach out to the right customers through SMS Marketing.

Today, brands are using smart ways of marketing to attract customers and enhance customer engagement and customer experience. Mobile Marketing is one of the most used communication channel. It’s one of the most effective tools marketers are now using for customer engagement and business growth. Average response time for text messages is 90 seconds, so SMS campaigns are most effective when the messages you communicate are immediate, useful to the customer, and carry a clear call-to-action. For smart users, the SMS also needs to be smart, and that’s where SMS Marketing is shifting from plain text promotion to SMS supported by a Smartlink such as Helo Smartlink. It is a refined analytics tool that enables advanced segmentation for tracking,
conversion & optimization of clicks that are generated over SMS.

This also enables retargeting of engagement content in real-time for improved campaign results. It automatically recognizes where the traffic is coming from and secures the maximum revenue for the brand. The uniqueness of this link is that it not only involves customer engagement but also allows the brand to track who these users are, how many chose to be directed to their content and what was their journey once they landed on the content page. Through a Helo Smartlink, brands can insert web links, surveys or mobile web pages in the SMS messages. They allow the brand to capture extensive usage metrics while keeping the URL length in check for customer analytics. These links not only save precious space in the message, but also allows the brand to benefit from deep insights into the customer experience and which campaigns are really paying off.

Helo Smartlink campaigns offer a comprehensive report on the click through rates of the campaigns, details of who opened the links and at what time,
the recipient geographic presence details and device characteristics. With more data to describe the customer, a brand can now take more fact-based approach while devising its marketing campaigns. Most brands have observed an increase in their customer engagement go up by 36% as they began measuring the responses from users by way of feedback surveys, satisfaction scores after an interaction with retail or a call centre executive, loyalty points summaries, coupons clicked vs. redeemed, etc.

Is Helo SMS Marketing suitable for your industry?
Helo Campaigns can be utilized across almost all industries and are considered as a widely popular tool for attracting customers and understanding customer analytics. Compared other marketing tools,

Helo SMS, is the most commonly used advertising platform and assures enhanced customer engagement and healthier ROI. Although they are simple and quick, the campaigns require planning to ensure that the results generated from them are maximized. Helo SMS can be used to increase the
number of customers on customer databases, improve customer service, enhance customer loyalty and increase revenue.

Here are ten industries that can make the most out of SMS Marketing:

  1. Retail: Compared to other marketing communications channels, there is no need for advanced design or technical skills in order to use SMS Marketing for retail. It is an effective way to engage customers, create brand awareness and develop purchasing intent. Customers can be regularly intimated about discounts, offers, promotions and lot more.

2. Restaurants and Hotels: From casual coffee shops to large scale restaurants, SMS services are easily accessible, quickly deployable, low cost & highly profitable. With SMS Marketing, restaurants can drive customer traffic on demand. With only a few clicks, an eatery can send enticing deals, time-sensitive offers, and weekly specials that instantly arrive in their hands.

3. Real Estate: The best benefit of Helo SMS in real estate is lead generation. Real estate agents can use SMS Marketing to increase the number of customers on their customer database and can sending out appointment reminders by SMS.

4. Finance: Banks can take advantage of Helo SMS by sending text alerts when they spot any account activity. It is supremely easy to manage a bank account by texting, paying bills, receiving important account alerts, recharging prepaid services and staying abreast of everything happening with their bank account.

5. Travel Industry: Travelling industry involves last-minute updates and details; hence, Helo SMS is ideal since they have high open rates and are usually opened within 3 minutes of being sent. Travel industry can also offer live travel updates, mobile tickets, vouchers, SMS loyalty schemes
and streamline communications.

6. Healthcare Industry: Healthcare clinics and hospitals are really benefiting from the adoption of SMS campaigns by timely reminding customers about their scheduled appointments, follow-ups etc. Helo SMS can be beneficial for fixing appointments, conference alerts. Disease awareness alerts, health tips and much more. Integration of SMS in Healthcare industry can provide most
profitable ROIs as almost every human needs “healthcare”.

7. Nonprofit Organizations: Nonprofit organizations have experienced increased charity event sales, increased awareness and improved communication among staff and volunteers by utilizing the power of SMS Integrated marketing.

8. Recruiting Agencies and HR: Human resources departments and recruitment agencies relish positive results from using SMS to reach out to job candidates. On the other hand, a job candidate can use SMS solutions to request information about new job openings, follow up after an interview, or check the application status.

9. Salons: SMS marketing for spas or salons is an affordable and convenient way to share deals or alerts that can drive more customers to the business. Beauty salons can make use of SMS Marketing to offer interesting deals to their regular customers and notify about them about their scheduled appointments.

10. Insurance Agencies: SMS Marketing has the ability to build a relationship with potential leads and clients. It allows you to personalize the campaign so that the potential leads and clients are not just another number. Apart from this, SMS integrated marketing can also be used to promote incentives, discounts, events, reminders, renewals, or new products.

Helo marketing complements any type of marketing and promotion. Effectively integrating the Helo marketing efforts helps increase the success for all campaigns. Although it is easy to incorporate Helo campaign but it really complements other Multi-Channel strategies such as email, social media, etc. when backed by a link. With Helo Campaign, people can take action from wherever they come across an ad.

Here’s a video of how Helo works and how far Helo is beneficial for most industries.



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Helo Marketing Cloud

Helo Marketing Cloud helps you target & acquire more customers. Smart Messaging platform with ground level analytics for B2C Marketers.