Rashika Panpaliya
Helo Marketing Cloud
4 min readJun 5, 2018

Lets figure how can this help in engagement with customers.

Smart Messaging Service is an automation tool used by Helo Markerting to ensure that Brands can engage with customers efficiently.

The advancement in the technology with time and the use of artificial intelligence for automation has improved the communication tools. This innovation has reduced the gap between the organization and end consumer and helps enterprises to provide better services.

One such innovation that has been brought is SMART MESSAGING SERVICE.

It is a communication channel that tries to improve and make communication efficient between the enterprise/organizations and their clients. The aim is to cater the communication channel needs of an organization and provide quick service to their clients with reliable information. The services for which people used to wait in line to get the work done and get information about it, Smart messaging service has made it possible for them to sit at home and get updates about their transaction instantly. This tool helps to build better customer relationship with clients by connecting to them instantly.

Let us look at the benefits arising from smart messaging service:

Benefits of Smart Messaging Service

1. Cost efficient: Smart messaging service is a better alternative for traditional marketing and promotional collaterals. The cost involved in print ads and mass mailers are higher and therefore it is not a cost effective service. On other hand SMS cost 1/10th the amount and has greater reach to prospects. SMS also yields higher ROI than any other platforms. Pay per use model is also employed under smart messaging service.

2. Productivity maximization: SMS has got maximum reach and therefore it is the most preferred channel for communication. Presence of internet connectivity is not required for SMS which makes it more beneficial as it can reach to those customers who do not have access to internet connectivity. SMS helps to increase and maximize communication and collaboration with internal and external parties. SMS is still believed to be a medium to receive important messages. Hence the open rate observed for this channel is way more than any other channels for engagement. To understand how productively can SMS Marketing be used for your brand, Read Here. A short guide to run you through the benefits of SMS Automation for your brand.

3. Seamless: A tool that is designed in a way that will reduce the workload of the marketer. One such tool is Helo Campaign. The tool helps to launch marketing campaign in three simple steps which takes less than a minute to be ready to launch. We have built an automated tool that saves time of a marketer and the process so friendly that helps to integrate and execute easily. Once the campaign starts it provides ground level analytics which gives a complete insight about profile behaviour and tells what should be the next step in the campaign. It is a seamless process as it is helpful for sending announcements, promotional message and gain feedback instantly.

Magic of SMS Automation that Helo leverages in Helo Campaign for greater engagement

Lets check out the Features:

1. Easy web based integration:

The application programming interface (API) uses the simple object access protocol (SOAP) for Integration Company’s system with messaging platform. It can also be integrated with existing application, systems and database.

2. Easy to use:

It is user friendly and helps to access messaging details. Contact lists, accounts, reports and settings.

3. Advanced Security:

The secured file transfer protocol (SFTP) guarantees the safe use of bulk messaging service. SMS blasts are also protected from spamming with the company name.

As Smart messaging services helps brands to reach prospects easily and efficiently, Helo marketing cloud has built Helo campaign with the same intention to make life easier for marketers and to engage with their customers better. Helo Campaign is leveraging the power of all its best platforms combined with Analytics, AI & Machine Learning to deliver high engagement conversations between brands and its consumers. It ensures and delivers the lowest cost of consumers acquisition compared to any other channel for its brands. It has helped marketers deal with its biggest challenge of Customer Acquisition and Retention in the most optimized way.

For making your campaign successful and earn value it is important to target Right Person with Right Message by Right Channel at Right Time. This approach is followed by HELO. It can reach out to the right target audience, get engagement for the brand, create a profile of the customers as per their needs, draw analysis from the campaign and finally segment and retarget the right audience. With this brands will be able to save their short term cost and increase ROI in long term.

Helo wants to serve brands to engage with its customers well with reduction in the overall cost by 25%. Get connected to us to ensure you yield higher ROI in most optimized manner and save your overall cost by 25% with Helo campaign.

