Help Me, I am Stuck

Seyi Oladele
Help Me, I am Stuck
2 min readNov 30, 2021
Who else can have a career in Equestrian ?

Why I now write about Software Development 😭

What if I told you I suffer for a living ? Yes, you will believe because odds are that if you aren’t (see hero image) you probably do the same. .Anyway, mine is unique in the sense that all I do all day long is solve puzzles and figure out how to tell a computer to continuously solve puzzles that look like the one I just solved. Lost yet ?

I am a software engineer. For the past few years, I have changed this title from web designer, to web developer to software engineer. Eventually, having spoken to some “seniors” I have decided to admit to myself that I am indeed an engineer.

For a while now I have been trying to get industry wide validation that in fact I know what I am doing. To the extent the next guy or some geek in a B Class tech shop does. It has been proving difficult. Apparently I haven’t solved big enough puzzles they said. So I have been actively taking on harder and harder puzzles to solve. The more I do, the more I get the feeling that I shouldn’t suffer in vain. And so for the same reason I started writing about music and sharing playlists. I shall start writing about software.

Principally because I don’t think you should be stuck for hours on end where someone elsewhere in the world has suffered. And also because apparently you aren’t great at software if you don’t have a tech blog of sorts. And also because I know I am a kick ass writer ( you really should see the documentation I have written. Top tier stuff) and its high time I start making money $$$ off it. Yes its all thanks to my desire to the mighty $ you get this information.

As you can tell I shall be writing in as Simple as possible (Nigerian) English. Think of these “articles” as conversations with a colleague at the water cooler.

SO if you stumble across my writing, enjoy share and where I am wrong correct. More importantly, if you know anyone who will pay me to write code or documentation of code. Please point me to them or them to me. Finally, please enjoy this as much as you can. It’s no use if it’s no fun.

Pro Tip: If you get stuck… take a nap. There is nothing I will say here that you can’t figure out taking a nap.

