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People are the next technology(tm)

Gordon Montgomery
Design your heaven on earth.


So here we are. Post numero uno. Let’s get stuck right in to something that I deem radical. Or in fact “unstuck” right in. Because that is where we are right now. We. Us. Humanity is stuck. What is worse is that this game of life we are playing was designed that way - to have us get stuck. To be successful at failing. That is why it is broken the same way, everywhere for everybody. For example look, globally, at Education, Healthcare and the Environmental Systems. Those social systems were devised by one set of humans for another set of humans and they are all broken identically across three strata (with apologies to Plato’s Republic). (1) There is the lowest level of the recipient masses. (2) There is the monstrous, middle, monolithic mess that purports to be the system itself. (3) There is the elite upper echelon that created the system but are independent from it. This pattern is ubiquitous in all human planetary, socio-cultural structures aka culture aka what we “experience” as this life of ours.

So if we, at least temporarily, can agree with my (cough, visionary) premiss, then the question now becomes: “How to unstick?”

The answer to that question is in direct reference to the title of this first piece in this series. You see, we have technologies - things we humans have engineered to help us DO things more effectively and efficiently or even just have us become closely engaged, viz. #Medium. I assert that what we have as yet failed as a group (Humanity) to create is a unified response (a new social system) for the eternal human questions of :

why (am I here)?
who (am I)?
how (do I live)? and
what (do I create)?

In my opening salvo in this introductory chapter of my titularly eponymous book, I hope here to have piqued your interest in this topic and indeed have begun to instigate and evoke “answers” to these big questions and the smaller ones for yourself, for your community, your country and your fellow Humans v1.0.



Gordon Montgomery
Design your heaven on earth.

Futurist Coach. PhD student. Management Consultant. Author. Irish. Runner. Martial Artist. Vegan. Geek. Dad. Polymath. Metaphysician...