Cryptocurrency and philanthropy: Crypto-philanthropy.

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Mikhail Astapenko
3 min readNov 5, 2018


charity contribute to the lives of other people, while at the same time adding meaning and embodiment of your life

If you’re lucky enough to live without want, it’s a natural impulse to be altruistic to others. But what is the most effective way to help others?

Immerse yourself in some unexpected thought experiments.

I wonder how many of you will answer the next question: “if you can save the life or health of someone who needs your help, will you do it?”

I think, I hope, I believe that most of you will answer: “YES”!

I wonder how many of you will answer this question if you don’t know the person who needs help? Mentally raise your hands if this thought came to you!

I think most of us will “pass by”.

Does it really matter that we “pass by” or does it really matter that they are far away?!

We HelpCoin Decentralized Charitable Platform don’t think that this is a morally significant difference: the fact that they aren’t in front of us, have a different nationality, race, none of this has a moral meaning.

Really important: can we save the lives and health of some of those who need help every day!

Fortunately, more and more people understand this idea, and as a result, there is a growing movement designed to encourage people to see that charity is part of normal life.

There is a new movement of people who understand how necessary it is to help others. This is called effective altruism. Using empathy and intellect, he addresses both heart and head.

Effective altruism allows you to visually contribute to the lives of other people, while at the same time adding meaning and embodiment of your life.

Someone might say: “Is charity in any case bureaucratic and ineffective?”

One of the most important aspects of effective altruism is to quantify your exposure. HOW WILL YOUR INFLUENCE BE? We understand the importance of this!

So, what would you say to a proven fundraising idea that works just as well for you and those who need your help? Sound too good to be true? Read on…

Read more about what the future might bring.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have some fascinating features that can have a huge impact on charity and charitable assistance.

New models of digital cryptocurrencies could present both major opportunities and challenges for charities. We look at some of these opportunities and challenges, such as the potential for transparency of donations, the possibility of making it easier to get aid money to where it is needed.

The blockchain is the decentralised shared public ledger at the heart of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies but it also has far wider applications. The blockchain technology could play in boosting transparency and trust in charities. The impact of new assets becoming available for giving, and the potential for smart contracts that govern philanthropy.

We also consider whether could this blockchain technology transform the way traditional charity?

A rational understanding of the situation in the world of charity is to use intelligence to build highly effective altruism. We’re excited to bring this vision to life, so be sure to continue to follow our journey at any of the links below!

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This article is a reflection of current realities. We want to share information, vision of the project, but not critically declare intentions.



Mikhail Astapenko

Квир-крипто-трансгуманист. Adept a new romantic human economy! Whistleblower & Ambassador.